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Cromolyn (sodium cromoglycate) nasal spray


Senior Member
I am unable to get hold of this at the moment, but I do have cromolyn eyedrops. Would it be okay to try eye drops in my nose? It’s unbelievably itchy and nothing else is working.


Senior Member
Answering my own question – here is a quote from another Aussie doing just that:

I'm using CromoFresh eye drops as nose drops. They are available otc at Chemist Warehouse for $14 (2% cromolyn), and sterile water, exactly the same formula as nasal spray, no script needed. My pharmacist assures me this is a perfectly safe delivery method.


Senior Member
It seems that cromolyn nasal spray was available on a normal PBS prescription here (Australia), but the manufacturer decided to stop selling the product. (Usually happens because of lack of profits.)

You can still get a prescription made up at a compounding pharmacy, or you could get the eye drops over the counter and do as the person above.