COVID infection no 3 and Metformin


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Unlucky me I've got COVID again no 3 this time. Never had it in the summer ever. Was really shocked I had it at this time of the year especially as I haven't been sat in a space with people for weeks.

Anyway my first COVID infection left me with some mild symptoms but it wasn't a major issue. My second infection at Christmas was really bad I was off work for six weeks and I had an array of symptoms Inc crippling fatigue. The crippling COVID fatigue stopped about five months in. I started metformin after this point and apart from taking valtrex I don't believe anything I took made a huge difference. Apart from maybe nattokinase.

However I had problems with my hands and my spine. I kept getting pain in them whenever I tried to use them. It could be sfn or something special kind of tendonitis but it's debilitating and has a huge effect on qol. I also had mild pulsatile tinnitus. I'd had COVID tachycardia since infection no 2 and I take ivrabradine for it. Which thankfully works very very well.

Infection no3. I got boosted 12 days prior but to my surprise I still got very unwell starting with tonsillitis and progressing to a a lot of COVID symptoms. However I didn't get rigors chills or a high fever and not did I get bone joint and lung pain (felt like my bones were being crushed) as I did with infection no2. So ultimately milder. It's day 3 now. But I started metformin about six hours after onset and noticed an improvement probably by the second day. When I titrated to 500mg twice a day. If you're wondering I am following Eric topol s advise to take Metformin as per the study that came out.

I've been taking ivrabradine, Metformin and valtrex and I feel the Metformin is almost entirely preventing the fatigue and almost all of the neuro symptoms. It is possible they'll turn up later tho so I'll post back to be sure with an update.

COVID infection no 1 was 12 days post Vax and with that I had almost no symptoms apart from very bad fatigue and an absence of brain power. But super mild compared to the others. That's how I feel I know that no 3 and Metformin more specifically is working.

I got rid of my COVID fatigue and neuro symptoms after infection No1 by taking molnu. Which cleared it inside 3 days. I went on to feel better than I had in seven years. Am still convinces molnu hit the virus that causes my ME.

This is an informational post for anyone struggling with long covid. As I think Metformin may actually be vital when you get sick. As I think it's often super difficult to avoid getting COVID. The only real protection is to treat it. Metformin as you know was shown to lower long covid incidence by 50%. It was also shown to have slightly higher efficacy than paxlovid and molnu at day 5. Which is impressive. Plus you take the course for ten days which has to be better than the ridiculous five days for pax.

I took Metformin for my long COVID symptoms as well and saw that it did help me feel better. But also gave me some insomnia. Will see if that stops now I'm taking it with COVID. Currently I can sleep.


Senior Member
Thanks @godlovesatrier . Glad it is helping. If you feel up to it, could you remind me of the schedule for taking metformin during the infection? I was only able to score some extended release - or whatever you call it. But I guess I could chop it up for more direct release...


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Hi. Sure eric topol says first day 500mg, then 500mg x2 days 2 to 4 then 1000mg x1 and 500mg x2 until day 14.

However I am having issues with diherraa now on day 4 which may have nothing to do with metformin. Covid always gives me gastroparethesis due to what I believe is inflamed nerves of the stomach and possbly h pylori reactivation. I also get GERD.

So it could be a metformin side that my stomach is super unsettled, or it could just be the usual covid issues. I am still testing positive as well but I am convinced the metformin has made things easier. I may have to pause it though to figure out what is going on with my stomach. Extended release is best yep, wish I had some.


..and we built castles in the Sky.
a bit off topic but i gotta respect the fact that you never stopped treating and i still feel your 100% at getting your health back man. keep up the good work. one day we will make it out of this hell alive.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Hoping to get triple therapy and access possibly to rapamycin if my dr approves it. David Putrino talks about how 1 in 10 or 2 in 10 patients often do well with a drug where other patients get zero benefit, or feel worse. I just hope I can find the right mix of meds before I have to give up on work. Thanks.


Senior Member
Hi. Sure eric topol says first day 500mg, then 500mg x2 days 2 to 4 then 1000mg x1 and 500mg x2 until day 14.

However I am having issues with diherraa now on day 4 which may have nothing to do with metformin. Covid always gives me gastroparethesis due to what I believe is inflamed nerves of the stomach and possbly h pylori reactivation. I also get GERD.

So it could be a metformin side that my stomach is super unsettled, or it could just be the usual covid issues. I am still testing positive as well but I am convinced the metformin has made things easier. I may have to pause it though to figure out what is going on with my stomach. Extended release is best yep, wish I had some.
Thanks! And yeah, I have heard that gastro issues can be tough with metformin.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Update from me. This caused pretty severe depression and anxiety + very bad nausea on the verge of dry retching after about day 7. I also felt a bit spaced out on it which is no doubt the blood sugar changes. I stopped it for about 24 hours. Mood returned to normal and I had quite a lot of energy (no fatigue or brainfog which is just super surprising tbh) but as soon as I took it I felt like shit. So confident it's the Metformin.

Am sure it would be fine for someone else but I think I can rule this one out.

It also doesn't seem to have resolved the pain in my hands that I got from my first COVID infection. Which makes the tendons feel really tight. So not sure it will help me much with my long COVID either.

Will see what else my Dr suggests.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I was reading a reddit thread which suggested b vitamins might go low quite quickly with metformin. After taking it at the max dose for 3 days and lower doses for 4 days I think maybe I have tanked some of them - just a thought.

Also I am not sure if I was always taking the metformin with food, without fail. So today I took the metformin with my breakfast without any delay and I took a b complex half an hour beforehand.

Will see if this helps, but so far the nausea is mild and there's no anxiety or depression.

I don't feel like my body is fighting covid off very well, I seem to have a really mild set of symptoms that won't go away, doesn't feel like long covid because it's too acute but doesn't feel like acute covid either as I am still able to function at 50% of my normal. So I am giving it another go.