Could it be Bartonella ?


Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel
I have been crashing badly for a month now -after 6 months of steady amelioration due to ABX.
It began in December with heavy night sweats + coughs that I have treated according to my LLMD with three courses of RIAMET (antipaludic). Treatment ended by 8 of februar, and it was a total success with babesia symptoms.

Then I took a pause of 10 days, off ABX because this has been a tough period ad I thought I would regain some energy. All the contrary happened : I have been using the wheelchair more and more in my house, beeing almost on my bed 100% of time. From about a 4-5 on Karnofsky scale, I have gone to a 2-3.

Moreover, "psy symptoms" returned (after a year of peace), neuropathies exploded (femoral nerve, sciatic), problems with dyspnea and asthmatic spasms after bad deglutition, weird sensation in brain (like Alka Seltzer).

I spoke with my LLMD two days ago, and he thinks that this is a Bartonella like presentation (though Elisa was -).
I am going to embark on a full month of Azythro + Tetralysal + Plaquenil to tackle the problem. I hope I am in the right direction.

Today I thought this was my last minute. After a false deglutition of a bit of water, I experienced a total spasm of the larynx, like a asthma crisis. Total block (no ait at all, larynx shut) during several seconds which seemed to be an eternity. it seems there is some neuro problem with coordination/reflex that may indeed fit with the Bartonella thing.
Perhaps something else ?


Senior Member
Ventura, CA
I have been crashing badly for a month now -after 6 months of steady amelioration due to ABX.
It began in December with heavy night sweats + coughs that I have treated according to my LLMD with three courses of RIAMET (antipaludic). Treatment ended by 8 of februar, and it was a total success with babesia symptoms.

Then I took a pause of 10 days, off ABX because this has been a tough period ad I thought I would regain some energy. All the contrary happened : I have been using the wheelchair more and more in my house, beeing almost on my bed 100% of time. From about a 4-5 on Karnofsky scale, I have gone to a 2-3.

Moreover, "psy symptoms" returned (after a year of peace), neuropathies exploded (femoral nerve, sciatic), problems with dyspnea and asthmatic spasms after bad deglutition, weird sensation in brain (like Alka Seltzer).

I spoke with my LLMD two days ago, and he thinks that this is a Bartonella like presentation (though Elisa was -).
I am going to embark on a full month of Azythro + Tetralysal + Plaquenil to tackle the problem. I hope I am in the right direction.

Today I thought this was my last minute. After a false deglutition of a bit of water, I experienced a total spasm of the larynx, like a asthma crisis. Total block (no ait at all, larynx shut) during several seconds which seemed to be an eternity. it seems there is some neuro problem with coordination/reflex that may indeed fit with the Bartonella thing.
Perhaps something else ?

You may want to check with you're doctor and be sure you are not having an allergic reaction to the meds, some of the things you mentioned sound a lot like pre cursors to anaphylaxis.

In the future as well if you ever decide; personally I would suggest an herbal lyme protocol if the pharm grade abx become too much. Many people recover on that route and I have bounced back very well from it myself, not 100% yet but actually able to be "normal" again.

So sorry to hear about the flux of old symptoms and everything again too, I hope the flare starts to ease up some more and you get back to a higher level of functioning again soon!


Senior Member
@Hanna I am so sorry you are going through this and it sounds very scary. Are you sure the trouble swallowing and throat closing up is not an allergic reaction like what @Martial said? Can you check w/your doctor?


Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel
Thank you all for your kind support.

@Martial you may be right for an allergic reaction. After having analysed all the events (what - whan- how), and having consulted two different serious naturopaths, it appears that the prednisone is the culprit according to thie testing.
This is weird, but the very same day, 15 mn before the closing-up of the trhoat, I swallowed 1mg from a new batch of prednisone that I had never took in the past.
No reaction to my ABX, no reaction to the 5mg prednisone or even the 20 mg version. Something in the excipients seems to make me react very badly. Sooooo weird!

Nevertheless, I am very happy Martial that the herbal route gives you very positive results, and plan to join you in this direction in the near future. For the moment I give myself the possibility to pursue a little more the abx protocole... if my body agrees.