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Could a subgroup of ME be Post-Sepsis Syndrome?


Senior Member
The article below piqued the interest of my non-scientific brain and so I thought I would post it here in case anyone else found it of relevance to us. It seems plausible to me and may explain the disease for some of us. Those of us with a scientific education may be able to tear it to ribbons, of course. :)


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I think more and more evidence is pointing in this direction. I also wonder if the often stated Th2 dominance described is actually predominantly an aggressive anti-inflammatory response to a hyper-activated Th1 response in the CNS. Look at the orthostatic symptoms of this they fit perfectly with sepsis mediated vascular dysfunction (this is just like a relatively mild chronic form).


Senior Member
You mean that ME can be a form of chronic sepsis? It is one of my own ideas to. I think it could be.

It's possible. But why do some who are exposed to the same things never get sick and others do? Are the above a cause or a trigger?

Maybe that's the question to ask?


After a second look at the above, this theory seems way too simplistic. For example the jump from environmental factors to Autism fails to address a lot of other factors such as genetics or prenatal factors. I'm not debating the vaccine/environmental vs genetics issue but using this as an example that the above is grossly incomplete and lends itself to the logical fallacy inherent in the one cause or in this case maybe several limited causes, for many conditions theory.
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Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
Let me put this another way. What if post sepsis syndrome is another form of SEID, ME or CFS, or related illness?

Please do not confuse post sepsis ideas with chronic sepsis. I am not sure they are the same.


Senior Member

I was just about to ask if the two are related.



ETA. It looks like a severe inflammation condition but can have other causes besides sepsis? think I need to look into this condition later as right now I'm throughly confused
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..and we built castles in the Sky.
to dig this out again:

my ME/CFS has originated in a bacterial infection that presented like a mild sepsis (very high crp above 100, lactate elevated, low body temperature). they call this sepsis version mild because its the one without organ failure wich seems to happen a lot. yet even a mild sepsis is life threatning and should be treated in a hospital, so dont be confused.

i have thought about this several times and i think a chronic low grade bacterial infection is possible. i think the bigger question is, why does the immune system fail to get rid of it. i think the answer lies there, not in just trying to attack the infection. it will always come back when you dont turn the switch of the immune system back on.

for me the biggest bet is to lower my 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin d3, also known as calcitriol or "active" vitamin D wich - in excess - shuts down th17 and th1 immune responses aswell as il-6 production. i am exactly very deficient in il-6 and il-17. ... fingers crossed...