Compare Doctor's Data CSA and Genova GI Function Profile


Senior Member
Sorry if this has been covered. I searched but couldn't find an answer.

We have received a bunch of biochemical test results through Dr Yasko. Could someone explain why there is a difference between DD's Comprehensive Stool Analysis Bacteriology Culture measurement and Genova's Gasotrintestinal Function Profile measurement?
In our case DD shows, for example, Lactobacillus spp as NG (no growth), but Genova measures it at 4.6 with an 80% reference range of 1.8-7.8, so well within the norm.
What does this all mean?
Interesting, I am actually in the process of deciding to take one test or the other, or the Metametrix one.

If you took samples at different times that might account for the difference. In that case DD also offers an "x3" version which I think means 3 samples which might offer mopre accuracy by increasing the sample size accuracy.

If it was based on the same sample, I suppose that it may be because Genova is using DNA to identify these, which is supposed to be more accurate. I was considering getting the Metametrix one (also DNA based), but I think they are the same as Genova as I think they merged or one bought the other.

Would love to get some more info on this as well.