Colonics and brain fog...

About 2 months ago I went in for a colonic because I was having some constipation issues. This was my first colonic, and I didn't go in with any intentions other than getting my colon cleansed. I undergo the procedure, and all the while the technician is telling me I need a cleanse because I had a lot of mucus and parasites in my stool. I assumed she was trying to get me to buy some of the products they sold at their facility. I didn't notice it until I stepped outside of the front door, but I suddenly felt like my brain fog had lifted. I started driving home and everything looked sharper and less gray. I felt like finally I had ousted this monster that had lived inside me for so long. Slowly but surely the fog started setting back in. What could this be attributed to? Could it have been a case of all the toxins inside of me resettling? Did I experience some type of euphoria commonly associated with colonics? I would do anything to feel like I did during that time.

I've started a regiment of supplements which include D-Ribose, Ginkgo, Tyrosine among others. I've also started eating much healther (my diet was horrible up until a few months ago). All of these things help, but the brain fog is still there.


West Australia
About 2 months ago I went in for a colonic because I was having some constipation issues. This was my first colonic, and I didn't go in with any intentions other than getting my colon cleansed. I undergo the procedure, and all the while the technician is telling me I need a cleanse because I had a lot of mucus and parasites in my stool. I assumed she was trying to get me to buy some of the products they sold at their facility. I didn't notice it until I stepped outside of the front door, but I suddenly felt like my brain fog had lifted. I started driving home and everything looked sharper and less gray. I felt like finally I had ousted this monster that had lived inside me for so long. Slowly but surely the fog started setting back in. What could this be attributed to? Could it have been a case of all the toxins inside of me resettling? Did I experience some type of euphoria commonly associated with colonics? I would do anything to feel like I did during that time.

Dont know, Squanto, but that's fascinating.

I wish we could hang on to those moments of lucidity. I wonder if others have had similar experiences with other gut treatments like antibiotics?


Senior Member
Dont know, Squanto, but that's fascinating.

I wish we could hang on to those moments of lucidity. I wonder if others have had similar experiences with other gut treatments like antibiotics?

I had the same feeling right after colonic treatment. Like Squanto, the feeling did not last. It made me realize though that the gut/brain connection is real.
Welcome to the forum Squanto.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
About 2 months ago I went in for a colonic because I was having some constipation issues. This was my first colonic, and I didn't go in with any intentions other than getting my colon cleansed. I undergo the procedure, and all the while the technician is telling me I need a cleanse because I had a lot of mucus and parasites in my stool. I assumed she was trying to get me to buy some of the products they sold at their facility. I didn't notice it until I stepped outside of the front door, but I suddenly felt like my brain fog had lifted. I started driving home and everything looked sharper and less gray. I felt like finally I had ousted this monster that had lived inside me for so long. Slowly but surely the fog started setting back in. What could this be attributed to? Could it have been a case of all the toxins inside of me resettling? Did I experience some type of euphoria commonly associated with colonics? I would do anything to feel like I did during that time.

I've started a regiment of supplements which include D-Ribose, Ginkgo, Tyrosine among others. I've also started eating much healther (my diet was horrible up until a few months ago). All of these things help, but the brain fog is still there.

This might indicate that you have an ongoing gut problem--dysbiosis, infections, SIBO?--and that the colonic temporarily cleared out the mess.

You might want to consider taking one of the better digestion/stool tests like the one from Metametrix.



Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
My experience after getting my first colonic was an uncomfortable agitation feeling. My understanding is there are nerve endings in the colon that connect to all parts of the body, similarly to the nerve endings in the eyes, hands, and feet that do the same (reflexology). So I assumed my colonic sent nerve energy to my entire body, but the "nerve stimulation" was too much for me to handle. I can see where this same stimulation could produce beneficial results, depending on a given pw/CFS's "neurological resilience". -- Welcome to the forum Squanto. :)


Senior Member
Not quite the same thing but could be related - I noticed some GI improvement following high dose treatment of Amoxicillan (for infected teeth extractions) and generally feeling better all round. So it seems the wrong bacteria were flourishing (along with the good ones) in the gut.

I seem to remember years ago a regime called the 3 R's - remove, replace, repair when tackling GI problems in principle.
It may have started Glutathione Production and then the toxins took over rather quickly. Look into Supplements to raise it naturally, which is Basically Freddds Protocol, Take TMG or Betaine HCL to help your body produce it. Look into doing a coffee enema again soon and look into Glutathione Supplements is all else fails.