Coffee and the Adrenals


Senior Member
I have heard rave reviews about coffee enemas helping repair or "clear" the adrenals. Not entirely sure the mechanism of that. On the other hand, I have heard from MANY sources that coffee is detrimental to the adrenals. What's the deal?
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But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
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I think it depends on whats the root cause of your "adrenal fatigue". and what stage of fatigue you are. maybe for some it helps getting rid off toxins from liver. I have issues with adrenals and did coffee enemas and made me worst? each time.


Senior Member
The deal is that there is no evidence to prove this. Rave reviews on the internet have little value. Adrenal fatigue isn't a disease with a WHO code and it's controversial.

It's quite normal on the internet to read rave reviews on any one treatment but it is sometimes not balanced by the experiences of all the people who have tried it and failed.

My experience is that I have tested with low morning cortisol with blood and saliva tests. Coffee enemas over a year didn't change this.

Drinking coffee helps me in the morning with the symptoms that I associate with my low cortisol. I didn't drink coffee at all before I got ME and in the first 5 years or so. Even with my low cortisol, I don't automatically agree that there is such a thing as adrenal fatigue, as described by some medical people or that the supposed cures/treatments around that work. My experience in that area has been poor.

My 23andme test said that I am a fast metaboliser of caffeine so maybe others different experience could partly be explained by that.


Senior Member
San Francisco
I think you should just drink your coffee. I don't understand the logic of enemas, other than that some people seem to like the way they feel, so they think it must be healthful. Or maybe it's the other way around.
Hi everyone, I partly agree with Akebono. When your adrenals are weak, your whole system suffers. Problem with coffe enemas is that it is quite hard on your system, and stress, no matter what kind of stress, your adrenals will suffer because of it. I read a lot of forums and a few books about adrenal fatigue and i have never read somebody that used it for the adrenals.

I myself am also on the road of recovery and must say that sleep, no gluten en no emotion stress (staying positive no matter what situation you encounter) are most important for a good recovery!

Has anyone of you ever used magnesium malate, i must say that i am not a real fan of supplements, but if it is a must, i am okay with it. Does anybody know if this is a good product for me and my adrenals?

By the way does anybody here uses iodine during their recovery?
-123 it depends on your issues. I used iodine and made me bezerk and bedridden for days. too soon for my weak adrenals. i used a bunch of magnesium forms but no malate form. i know its very critical for adrenals but is not for me now. some said it could lower cortisol dont know if its true but i had an almost dead feeling each time i took it.