This is the answer to my further complaint. Its ok , its just disappointing that they cant expand their services to include those of us in real poverty.
I said I suppose they are busy helping all those who have gone wild with their credit cards lol
" Thank you for emailing our info@cap email address. I can see from your emails that you are unwell and struggling financially and I am very sorry to hear that.
Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a debt counselling charity and we offer free help to people who are struggling with debt.
When you look at our website and click on 'I want help' the first sentence describes the help that we offer as a charity:
'If you are in debt, you've come to the right place. Christians Against Poverty is a charity that gives free debt help to anyone in debt. Thousands of people have already been given hope and a solution.'
People who are in debt can be in debt for a variety of reasons, they are not always in debt due to overspending on credit cards.
We offer a home visiting service and work with people, we put an affordable budget together for them, we support them locally and look at the best way to get them debt free. We have a team of highly trained debt counsellors who look at each client's individual situation and give advice accordingly. Sometimes that advice is to increase income or decrease expenditure.
We have used the name Christians Against Poverty since 1996 when the charity was established as we do help those who are struggling with poverty as a result of debt.
As ***** has explained we do need all our clients to have a regular income in order for us to be able to work with them. Where people are struggling to find out what benefits they are entitled to we point them in the direction of help from other agencies such as the Citizens Advice Bureau or Turn 2 Us - 0808 802 2000
CAP do not provide an advocacy service, if you need help to apply for benefits and to complete application forms for trust funds then your local CAB would be the best place to seek help."
CAB are no use. Will look into Turn2us...
it sounds like it might be the title of my next thread