Suggestions / recommendations for adrenal glandular? There are sooooo many to choose from...
I've had good results with both Drenamin PMG and Drenatrophin, both by Standard Process. Biotics also makes a good product - Cytozyme AD, and Adrenogen by Metagenics is also good. As you can probably guess, I've taken adrenal glandulars off and on for a long time (currently off).
When I first took Drenatrophin back in the mid-1990s, my chiropractor who does muscle testing was the one who recommended it and, based on his testing, I had to take roughly 3 times the recommended dose because my adrenals were so weak. I'm pretty sure if I had just taken the standard dose of 3 tablets a day, I would not have gotten the results I did. Having said that, I'm not recommending you start with 9 tablets a day, but want you to be aware that dosing is important. I've read comments by some people that adrenal glandulars didn't help, but I always wonder what dose they were taking and if they were taking enough. I did start to feel better within 2 or 3 days of starting the Drenatrophin.