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Chinese medicine


Senior Member
Hi everyone, sorry for the long break.
This has probably been discussed before, but does anyone have a recent experience with Chinese medicine? I am considering a few weeks trip to China soon, and would really appreciate some tips on how to find the right doctor/treatment, as well as getting into contant with Chinese pacients, if anyone has contacts there.


Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
but does anyone have a recent experience with Chinese medicine

Yes but not in China.

Is there a particular city you expect to land in where you'd be looking for help?

My daughter has some chinese students. She might be able to- inquire a bit.

My friend spending the last year there has developed some respiratory problem that the doctors are unable to treat. (he would not be someone looking for chinese traditional medicine). So- be careful.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Perhaps the best thing to do, short of obtaining a direct recommendation from some knowledgeable individual....is to locate a Chinese Traditional Medicine college...in a major city.

One can obtain treatments typically from residents with trained doctors there for support.

If in China, Chinese doctors in white coats will approach you in a public square, and start prescribing. There is a doorway where somebody has concocted teas- but you will not be able to verify if the contents are safe and tested, unless your very careful where you go. And is that tea formulate for your specific needs? Thats why you need your own knowledgeable practitioner.

All the herbs I take are imported by a wholesaler who does major testing.