Chest pains and Pulse


Senior Member
Hi everyone hope you are all okay as okay can be for us. For seven months I have had recurring chest pain and irregular heart beat. My pulse was at 48 yesterday and I am in a fear state. As long as I stay in this fear state my symptoms wont get better. Every ecg i have had is normal but still i have abnormalities and pain. Can anyone shed any light on what causes the chest pains in us sufferers thanks ( a scared cfs sufferer)


Senior Member
Hi everyone hope you are all okay as okay can be for us. For seven months I have had recurring chest pain and irregular heart beat. My pulse was at 48 yesterday and I am in a fear state. As long as I stay in this fear state my symptoms wont get better. Every ecg i have had is normal but still i have abnormalities and pain. Can anyone shed any light on what causes the chest pains in us sufferers thanks ( a scared cfs sufferer)

i too live in fear of the heart Issues, i have fast heart beats slow heart beats, chest pain, tachy, brady episodes. ekg's are normal. holters pick up a few tachy & brady episodes but noone seems to be worried. but me.
i can tell you when i get worried my anxiet gets worse, and dosent do my heart much good. it's a vicious cycle!
My heart and I have a complicated relationship. It likes to freak out. I had an ASD (Atrial Septal Defect) and I had it repaired 2 years ago. That didn't change any oddities in my heart rhythm though. :) I have had 2 holters and countless EKGs and I even wore a King of Hearts (gads - I thought I would never get over having that thing strapped to my chest for 2 weeks!) Everthing always comes back just slightly abnormal. Usually I have comments written on the exams that say Tachy or Brachy cardia, PVCs etc. I have found that the best way to cope is to self talk. I just say to myself - "look, you, just cut it out. I am already in pain and I'm tired so shut up and knock it off!" I know it sounds rude, but anger is a secondary emotion that srings from sadness or fear so being angry is a quick way to release the tension of anxiety. Then I do something like change the channel or flip the ipod to the next song and ignore my body. So far I haven't died and I have had the disease for 20 years (it's our anniversary this year!) so I figure if I'm going to keel over it will be because of something else.

Michael Dessin

Senior Member
Generally in ME/CFS heart issues can be attributed to low energy production which in effect give the heart less energy to function properly, damage to the left ventricle from virus or nervous system abnormalities that prevent the heart from functioning many cases all three are factors in heart dysfunction for ME/CFS patients.

Generally when you address underlying viral and nervous system issues the heart will begin to function properly and if there is damage that will repair as well, most of the time on its own..

For me, once all of the underlying issues were addressed a course of HGH helped with the repair.

My symptoms inlcuded irregular heart beat, high pulse or low pulse which varied day to day and sharp pains in the area of my heart.


Senior Member
and thats what it feels like, that my body dosent have enough energy for my heart to evenn beat right. my problem is when i try and take something to kill the bugs my heart just cant take it.
dr brought up valycyte, bt if a supplement like lauricidin, and olive leaf will give me a herx from hell, valycyte will probably kill me.

im stumped.


Wow, your symptoms sound just like fact it seems a lot of people on this forum have similar clusters of symptoms. I am with a good diet, who used to exercise regularly...until my symptoms got so bad I couldn't climb the stairs to my apt. without my heart pounding really fast and not stopping for a good 15 minutes despite resting. I haven't actually passed out completely, but i have definitely lost vision and toppled into things upon getting out of bed in the AM and started greying out after even just walking on the treadmill uphill for a while.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Wow, your symptoms sound just like fact it seems a lot of people on this forum have similar clusters of symptoms. I am with a good diet, who used to exercise regularly...until my symptoms got so bad I couldn't climb the stairs to my apt. without my heart pounding really fast and not stopping for a good 15 minutes despite resting. I haven't actually passed out completely, but i have definitely lost vision and toppled into things upon getting out of bed in the AM and started greying out after even just walking on the treadmill uphill for a while.

rifyraina.. that sounds like POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome). See if your doctor can get you tested for POTS. There are things which can be done to improve POTS.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
sleepy i have no idea what causes the chest pain and irregular heart beat of CFS but i used to get that a lot too. At times it would feel like i was having a heart attack.. i used to fear that i would die in my sleep due to it and also due to my irregular heart beat which was really doing some scary stuff.

if it helps any.. as you can see im still alive and what is even better, i've only had chest pain once in past 12 mths, things are much much better and it's improved as my CFS/ME has :) .. (thou i still have POTS).

try not to worry to much as more likely than not.. you'll survive it. I've no idea on what to do to improve it.


Southern USA
I had the pains for a long time, but CoQ10 helped a lot! I also take carnetine and that might be part of it. If you have a doctor that understands what supplements do, ask about the CoQ10 and the right amount. I take many good supplements, but I think this is the one that helped my heart.


Senior Member
Chest pain (again). Over the last week I have had left arm pain mainly in bicep thats stabbing in nature with hyperventilation or shortness of breath not even sure anymore(not fun when you have costochondritis at the same time and other heart disturbances. I know the rule is when you have chest pain dont mess about dial emergencies. Because I have done so in the past and ecg has read fine I feel unable to call for help anymore. I live alone and it feels that I am becoming more emotionally disturbed by this damn illness cos now when I am having this type of pain, I am lying down accepting the worst case scenario. Anyone relate?


Senior Member
yep, andfor what its worth, justwent for over a week with what i thought was costo pain. turns out its my gallbladder, and ive been told it can mess with ur heart. something u might check on the left arm pain is definately worth checking out!


Senior Member
sorry to hear you have gallbladder problems kat thanks for replying i have doc appointment wednesday and i hope she can shed some light on it because its not responding to painkillers and is driving me to distraction, what are they going to do about your gallbladder, hope they can treat it by most gentle option hugs ~sleepy


Senior Member
thanks for the hugs sleepy, i need em. the pain meds would not touch the pain of a gallbladdder attack! vicodin,tramadol,ibuprophen, nothimg! friends that had gallbladder attacks said they had to have morphine. still waiting on results of an ultrasound, dont know if its stones or just went kaput.
let us know what thedoc says, be thinkin about ya and hope you get relief from the pain!

((hugs back)) kat