Chest pain

One of my chief problems is a near continuous chest pain/angina. I am looking for help with suggestions on dealing with it, and input as to whether to see a cardiologist and if so, what to tell them and what kind of treatments to seek. Prior cardiology workups have shown "normal".

I first got sick on 11/19/04 after a bout with a flu and never got better. I was formerly very active with sports and had a successful, but intense, professional career.

Any experience/advice would be greatly appreciated.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
If this is a new symptom you havent had checked out, you should see a cardiologist again.

I personally dont know what is used in ME/CFS for this symptom (its a symptom Ive only had on rare occassions and one I hate as it feels as if Im having a heart attack so also ends up leaving me wondering if doctors have missed something and if Im going to die).


senior member
Concord, NH
Sorry to hear of your dilemna. I don't have this issue, some chest pains in the past, very rare for me. Hopefully someone will chime in. I would go see a Dr, I did for my rare occurences. Did stress test etc..Ok.


PS What does research on the internet suggest?
My son had severe cardiac pain for nearly 5 years. It started when he was active in sports and worsened as his CFIDS progressed. We was bedridden for nearly 6 years, and even if he walked just a few feet, he would clutch his heart in pain. Cardiomyathapy (sp) and cardio problems go hand in hand with CFS/ME and it is believed that the cardo issues are caused by the viruses HHV-6,EBV and CMV when they are reactivated at higher antibody levels. There are many papers by Cheney, Peterson, Nicolson, lerner and more out on this. Here is a link to a website at Stanford that talks about Dr. Lerners explanations and findings concerning direct correlation with viral reactivation and heart damage, which can be reversed in some cases. Unfortuneately, a cardiologist might not "get it" if it is CFS/ME ror viral related. Unless, there ius swelling and arterial damage.
Julia PS....I know how scary this can be, and it is very serious. I've been told that rest is a good tool.

Get tested for chlamydia pneumonia, that is very common among us PWCs (and others with compromised immune systems), and it causes rotten awful chest pain. You don't get anything at all showing up on any cardiac tests with Chlam Pneumonia, apart from sometimes arrhythmia in some people. All the other symptoms are the same as CFS symptoms anyway so it is hard to figure it out. The blood test is very unreliable, so unfortunately it is one you may need done more than once to know for sure if you have it or not. (Nearly all doctors do know this, and are therefore willing to prescribe the test several times).

Personally I think your best strategy would be to get your heart thoroughly checked out by a good cardiologist, and then pursue this possibility if he cannot detect any other explanation.

By the way I have seen multiple cardiologist over the last 28 years and had heart surgery, I've had nearly every cardiac test that exists many times, I have this heart pain almost all the time, so if you want to ask me about tests, or questions you could ask the doctor, I can probably throw lots of ideas your way.


Senior Member
It's also possible to get chest pain due to muscles hurting, like the intercostal muscles between the ribs. Breathing oddly can cause it. But then it shouldn't just be in the heart area.


Senior Member
Montreal, Canada
I have chest pain following exertion. If you have POTS then just standing (or even sitting up with severe POTS) for a short while can trigger heart pain so you may be exerting every day. My cardiologist says this is muscular pain (the heart is in effect a special muscle), and there is nothing structurally wrong with the heart. Many M.E. patients with POTS have a heart that is on the smaller side of the normal spectrum.


I get the same thing, Horrible muscle pain in heart to the point I think I am gonna die, I know is the heart because I got an echo done and as they moved the heart and it was the same pain. I don't know what I did but it has gotten better since I am doing pedialite and Salty snack (pistachios) ahh and I added Vit C 2,000 and Fish Oil 4,000, it is almost gone but my flare up is going away also, so I am not sure if it is because I am getting better but I think is started because of Pedialite. Maybe you can do a 2 day trial. I felt the difference intermediately (when I tried other brands did not work as good as pedialite did).


Senior Member
I get chest/heart pain. I was told I have a weakening of the left ventricle. And it's most likely from POTS, it's a known thing with it. Not enough blood pumping where it should.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I don't know what I did but it has gotten better since I am doing pedialite and Salty snack (pistachios) ahh and I added Vit C 2,000 and Fish Oil 4,000, it is almost gone but my flare up is going away also, so I am not sure if it is because I am getting better but I think is started because of Pedialite. Maybe you can do a 2 day trial. I felt the difference intermediately (when I tried other brands did not work as good as pedialite did).

Pedialite is my "rescue remedy" of choice. I try to keep a cold liter in the fridge and guzzling a liter down gets me out of most dicey situations. Probably the minerals, electrolytes and the increase in blood volume. Tip: the unflavored is easier to get down.
