Charlie Horse-Like Cramps in feet??

I had been managing my fatigue for the most part with gluten free diet but during my pregnancy I developed a rare liver disorder, cholestasis, and since then my health has spiraled out of control.

For 9 months now I've been experiencing what feels like the start of a Charlie horse in the soles of feet to where I have to extend my toes back to stop it. At it's worse I've felt it in my palms/fingers, quads, and even forearms. I developed anxiety and brain fog/dizziness at times along with it with worsening fatigue.

All my bloodwork has shown up as normal since the pregnancy (other than being hypoglycemic). My liver enzymes are normal, vitamin B12 was high, vitamin D normal, every organ function tested was normal.

Does anyone know what could be causing this? I've probably had blood drawn 20 times in the last 9 months and my doctor can't find anything. I'm sure she thinks I'm a hypochondriac.

I started taking a multi by Dr Ben and it got so severe I could barely function and I felt like my brain was tingling so now I've quit all supplements and started the CBS protocol (I'm heterozygous 699t) and am going through Caledonia's list of resources but feel like it's getting worse.

If anyone else has experienced this or has any ideas I would be extremely grateful.


Rebel without a biscuit
You could try some good quality Magnesium if you haven't done so already to see if that helps. No guarantee this is the solution. Just a suggestion.
Thanks, I've actually tried 3 capsules a day of magnesium chelate for several months along with zinc picolinate, vitamin C, methylcobalin, vitamin D but nothing seems to help. Choline helped substantially but then things got much worse so I had to stop it too.


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
@MissCB - when I'm low in potassium, I get cramps in my feet, and sometimes my legs. and it can cause severe fatigue. You could try drinking some low-sodium V8 which is high in potassium. I've ended up having to take a potassium supplement (800 - 1000 mg a day of potassium gluconate) as well as drinking a glass of low-sodium V8 (900 mg. potassium) to keep my levels where they should be.

And my potassium level on blood work was always in the low-normal range. Low potassium can also cause anxiety.


Senior Member
Symptoms of magnesium and potassium deficiency are similar. If they started sometime after the Ben Lynch multi, it could be potassium deficiency from methylation startup.

You could try damping down on methylation with some nicotinic acid form of niacin and see if that helps.

I looked up cholestasis. It's supposed to be an overload on the liver due to pregnancy hormones. I don't know if some liver support like milk thistle could be helpful or not.


Forum Support Assistant
If it is low potassium then a supplement like potassium gluconate will raise your potassium level much more quickly than food will (but food is probably a better long term solution if you can find a good balance in the amount of potassium you need).

When I was doing Freddd's methylation treatment I needed huge amounts of potassium to avoid muscle cramps and spasms. When I took an appropriate dose of potassium gluconate in water the symptoms would resolve in 15-30 minutes.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
I find I need A Lot of magnesium. And these days, when under stress, I need even more. Having used many different types, Mg glycinate works best for me (Doctor's Best), 100mg elemental mg/tab. I'm no longer needing high potassium, or any potassium, since completing my progress in methylation. But I've found recently that instead of 2-4 tablets in PM, I"m needing 6-10 tablets to overcome cramping. When the cramp begins, I take 2 tablets, and relaxation starts very quickly. Good luck.
Thank you so much! My potassium has tested within the low end of the range but within it so I hadn't really considered this but I do think it is helping.

On another note- I had started taking Alpha GPC as I read choline deficiency can cause this as well as NAFLD and anxiety. It totally cuts the anxiety but it causes my scalp and brain to feel like they are tingling hard, like strong uncomfortable goose bumps. I figure I'm choline deficient as I'm heterozygous for PEMT and Dr Lynch mentions this can cause liver disorders in pregnant women like I had.

I tried choline bitartrate instead and the same thing happened. I have been doing research trying to figure out why and if it's safe to continue and I came across an ad for a memory boosting supplement containing alpha GPC that states it can cause head tingling as a side effect due to adenosine receptors in the brain opening up.

Anyone have any thoughts on this? I've been reading up as much as I can but know a lot of people here are much more knowledgeable about this stuff than I am. Thank you for all your help!!