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Cells That ‘Taste’ Danger Set Off Immune Responses

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
So their involvement for us may reside in the autoimmune issues....altho that may still be debated as well.

Very fascinating. The Title Should Be: We know Diddley Squat about the Human Body. Lets Go To Mars.

These cells, appearing more like a Protozoan....the creature they mention is the termite gut Protozoan. Its one of the most amazing creatures enabling termites to digest cellulose. Keystone Ecosystem Driver.

I hope they hurry up and learn more about tuft cells, very very soon.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Another science article mentions their role in epithelial barriers (any barrier made of skin tissue, ie gut, BB).


This abstract mentions Norovirus, but I can't read further as the main report is not there. I have a personal theory that norovirus might be harbored in the intestine on a chronic basis, and produce flairs. I'm suspicious of that critter.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
This article provides outstanding graphics of TUFT CELLS and the gut.

Here is a cross section diagram of the intestinal lining, with. tuft cells.

