Hi Vegan Monkey.
I have been lacto ovo vegetarian all my life. From what I have read, MOST sources say that if you are a healthy person you get an acceptable amount from diet. Yes, there is less in a vegan diet, but those who's diet is lower in carnitine hold on to the carnitine more and don't excrete it. Carnitine is a non essential amino acid, meaning that it is not essential to get it all from our diet because we make it out of lysine and methionine.
The problems come when we can't absorb it because of gut issues, or well...I'm assuming there are a host of issues that can go wrong. But usually it's not an issue of getting enough.
I've had to research this recently because I have had fatigue for at least 6 years that is getting chronically worse. In 2012 I was diagnosed with methylation issues and have MANY many mutations in that area. Have had brain fog, depression, anxiety, weight gain, and of course fatigue and more. I had tried a standard dose of oral carnitine months ago and it did nothing for me. I read about it more and discovered there is a specific gene associated with carnitine so I checked my 23andme results and saw that I have a bunch of homozygous mutations. So I tripled the dose, and it worked!!!!...for 2 day
. For 2 days I felt great but then it quit working. So I knew there was something to it, but I didn't know exactly what.
Finally I have found a good doctor who knows about methylation and carnitine, etc. he ordered the organic acids urine test, which did show that I am very deficient in carnitine. I began IV therapy last Thursday. It took a couple days to kick in, but when it did I felt much better. However I couldn't sleep, so we still need to figure some things out. I might need an injection able kind I can do myself every few days. This leads me to conclude that I might have a problem absorbing it through my digestive system.
I still have bad brain fog and muscle fatigue issues but I also have adrenal insufficiency/fatigue, which can cause that. I wonder if maybe the carnitine issue has caused the adrenal issues, and hence blood sugar issues, hormone issues....*sigh*
I am supposed to do IV therapy for 8 or 12 weeks...can't remember. I will try to report how it goes.