Carbohydrate Restriction-Induced Elevations in LDL-Cholesterol and Atherosclerosis: The KETO Trial (JACC, Budoff, August 2024)


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Texas Hill Country


Coronary plaque in metabolically healthy individuals with carbohydrate restriction-induced LDL-C ≥190 mg/dL on KETO for a mean of 4.7 years is not greater than a matched cohort with 149 mg/dL lower average LDL-C. There is no association between LDL-C and plaque burden in either cohort.

Wow ---

Dr. Jonathan Fialkow, deputy director of clinical cardiology at Baptist Health Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute, said a study of 80 people on the low-carbohydrate ketogenic (KETO) diet for nearly five years found that high levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, LDL-C (often referred to as bad cholesterol), didn’t always lead to coronary plaque buildup or heart disease.

“This is because they (participants on the KETO diet) are metabolically healthy,” Fialkow said. “This shows that high LDLs might not be the risk for heart disease we thought it would be.”

This study, published in the American College of Cardiology Journal, compared 80 people with an average age of 55 on low-carb/ high-protein and fat diets with 80 people enrolled in a Miami heart study and not on a special diet.

“They had the same level of disease risk,” Fialkow said. “The study found no increased progression in either group.”

Researchers concluded there was no association between cholesterol levels and plaque burden in either group. So, as long as people do not consume lots of sugar and carbohydrates, they may not be at risk for heart disease, even if they have high cholesterol.

Wow again - check out Sten Ekberg's videos - he is all about insulin resistance as one of the biggest dangers to our health, and that of course is caused by diet, too much sugar and carbs . . . not egg yolks and fat. Actually low cholesterol is dangerous to health, having higher mortality, higher risk of depression, cancer. But you will have to dig deep to find info on this. I think most doctors are not even aware that we need healthy levels of cholesterol - and again, the real culprits and are sugar, white flour etc.


Senior Member
That's good news! I cut out all starch when I got a stomach flu several weeks ago. My diet is not low enough in carbs to be considered keto, but still very low.

I've had three good days in a row doing so much more than I've been able to do in a long time.

I've been eating ground beef, Kerrygold cheese, and a little bit of Mexican coke with my meals.

Yes, the coke has sugar, but sugar doesn't bother me like starch does, as long as I don't eat too much.


Senior Member
the study doesnt say that carbs cause it too. its just another wrong idea about fats which got debunked.

wait until they find out that density of cholesterine as well its oxidation plays a role...


Senior Member
Most contemporary indigenous tribes do not eat more than 35-40% of calories from carbohydrates. A lot of their diet is red meat and fat coming from animal foods, they eat more protein and less carbs than we do and they don't have our health problems.

They do not eat salt, sugar or flours either, but what it shows is that healthy fats and protein are good for us, we eat this way by default and we ate this way for thousands of years. It's funny how scientists reinvent the wheel again now, which proves that correcting the nature is not the right approach.

There is an interesting video on youtube about how our diets changed over the years, particularly what started with inventing food pyramid which favored more carbs in place of fats and protein - that came along with cereal companies in US that wanted to make a lot of money out of cheap food. Cereal with sugar and orange juice replaced bacon and eggs, which were a natural choice of previous generations. With this change of diet came more diseases and they blamed saturated fats for it, cholesterol myth became quite handy in encouraging people to give up animal foods and eat more processed carbs. Now of course everyone is hooked on sugar, but healthy fats are as delicious and our taste buds can be readjusted easily.