Capsaicin/Capsicum for Muscle and Joint Pain?


Senior Member
Has anyone tried a capsaicin cream or patch for ME/CFS pain?

An abstract for a study located here states:
Results: Patients with CFS had greater postexercise increases in fatigue and pain (1029 points above baseline, p < .001) and greater mRNA increases in purinergic type 2X4 receptor, transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1, CD14, and all adrenergic receptors than controls (mean standard error = 1.3 0.14- to 3.4 0.90-fold increase above baseline, p = .04.005).

The transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 (TRPV1) is interesting, because according to wikipedia, the function of TRPV1 "is detection and regulation of body temperature. Additionally, TRPV1 provides sensation of scalding heat and pain (nociception)" as well as triggering a response that causes hypersensitivity to painful stimuli and the sensation of pain from non-painful stimuli.

TRPV1 can be desensitized by overstimulating it with capsaicin, possibly for months at a time from a single topical application of the higher potency stuff, thereby providing pain relief in muscles. It looks like there's been successful trials of it for shingles, rheumatoid arthritis, and maybe fibromyalgia, though I haven't tried to read any of them yet.

So has anyone tried the lower dose OTC capsaicin creams or patches and had any results? I just found one today at my local Dutch drug store, and I've currently got warm red swollen patches on my arms from trying it. But it sounds like it can take several weeks to get results.


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
There is another recent thread on this. I have not tried capsaicin, but I am addicted to chili which contains a lot of it. I feel better with regular (not occasional) consumption of chili at a constant dose. With occasional consumption I feel worse. Bye, Alex
It helps me a lot and I strongly recommend it

I use Zostrix cream every day (It contains capsaicin - I use the smaller capsaicin content.). It is the only thing that helps my pain and helps me survive. I strongly recommend it.

If it gives you red patches or irritation on your arms then I recommend trying it on another part of your body that might be less sensitive. For example I use it on my back with no problems while on my feet it just irritates the skin. Even having red patches *might* not be a bad thing if in itself it gets rid of the pain and seems to do no harm.
I am only upset that it took so long for a doctor to recommend it to me instead of drugging me with antidepressants and all sorts of useless pill painkillers that hurt my stomach.

As a side effect to less muscle pain, the cream strangely improves my sinus pain too even though I put it only on my back and no where near my nose.
I recommend you try it again on another part of the body where the skin might be less sensitive.

It's been known for ages that capsacin reduces substance P which is a pain chemical that is in abundance in fibromyalgia.


Senior Member
Thanks for the info, Rachel. The extent of the body effected by it was one of things I was curious about, so it's good to have that question answered :) It sounds like the redness and swelling are pretty normal, and they only lasted about half an hour for me.

Then I took a hot bath 4 hours later and my arms started burning like hell :p But it wasn't as bad in the patches on my upper arms, versus around my wrists.
You should not take a hot bath afterwards, or hot shower after it. You also should not expose where you rubbed the cream in to very strong sunlight within a few hours of using it.

Hot water and UV light make all creams penetrate the skin more.

With capsacin hot water makes it penetrate the skin more and gives a burning feeling. It's happened to me as well.
Just try it on a different part of the body and if the only symptom is redness but pain relief then it's worth carrying on.

I would not use it if there was swelling though.? Perhaps you need to ask a doctor about it if there is swelling.
Swelling sounds scary, I never had swelling from it. Just redness or burning/irritation feeling at most.

How about the top part of the back or shoulders?
They are protected from sunlight and the skin there is sometimes less sensitive than the wrists and arms. That's where I use it for my fibro.


Senior Member
Yeah, I went by the instructions that said "Don't take a bath or shower 1 hour before or after using this." Lesson learned!

The swelling is very mild. Only noticed it near my wrists. Similar to a bad sunburn, but not painful and going away faster.