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Can creatine cause over-methylation


Im new here and just had a quick question at the moment. Does anyone know if the sam-e promoting suplement creatine can actually cause over methylation if you take to much of it?
most of the methyl- in your body is used for creatine production. So I suppose if you take too much, your body may have excess methyl- groups left.

Best regards
most of the methyl- in your body is used for creatine production. So I suppose if you take too much, your body may have excess methyl- groups left.

Best regards

Thank you for the responce,Im trying to figure out whats going on my body feels off wack. Sometimes i cant tell if im over methylating or undermethylating as taking methyl b12 and tmg calms my anxiety down but taking other forms of b12 makes me anxious or wound up. I posted my lab results maybe someone can help me out a bit. Creatine was helping big time in concentration and libido department,i feel there is just a pathway jammed up. Anyways here are the test results you tell me.

I suffer from anxiety,nervousness and low libido. I have found improvment from taking creatine with libido and concentration but it seems i have to take high ammounts to notice a difference. Yucca and butryate have also helped the guy down stairs,anything that effects adrenals also has a positive effect. Magnezium seems to make me anxious and nervous and actually have to pee alot? I dont know why it does this,like i said i feel a pathway is jammed up somewhere.I also have high estrogens for some reason testostorne levels are at about 500ng/dl. I feel they should be a bit higher more like 800 range and lower estrogen.

I work with someone already but he is very hard to get a hold of so i thought someone else might be able to give some suggestions,not presciptions but just some general recomendations or there two cents on what may be going on.

Attached are my blood test,methylation test,23 and me,and my nerotransmitter test.

DR,LYNCH recomendations
I see quite a bit from this – and will spend some time with you since you’re working with Shawn.

From first glance – some thoughts:

- Your methylation status is compromised a bit as your SAM: SAH ratio favors SAH to methyltransferases are likely inhibited to some degree.

- Additional Magnesium and Ribose/Creatine to also help raise SAM. You may be quite deficient in magnesium. Look at taurine and pathogens. Also avoid plastic and reduce oxidative stress.

- If under stress/anxiety, not eating properly (balanced meals/blood sugars), you may be secreting more cortisol and this increases MAT enzyme which depletes SAM, increases SAH and burns through magnesium. This itself may be contributing to methionine elevation. Increase magnesium, adaptogens, adrenal support, sleep, proper diet, avoid flour-containing foods, read the book ‘The Metabolic Makeover’

- Homocysteine is lower than I’d like to see – and that is due to sluggishness upstream.

- B6 and NAC to help increase Cysteine – and increasing homocysteine will help this happen as well

- Methionine high and Homcysteine low and SAH borderline high = there is a sluggishness around SAH. Look at snps here – and also consider supporting pyruvate metabolism.

- I’d really like to see adenosine tested here. If adenosine is high – and it likely is – caffeine helps lower it. This can be done with coffee enemas or chewing on roasted coffee beans (not as ideal). Use the right coffee and enema kits. Seeking Health offers both. I don’t like you taking caffeine orally as it increases adrenal burnout and anxiety. This is why coffee enemas are better – be sure to lay on your right side when doing them – if you decide to with your doctor.

- Since methyltransferases are likely compromised due to elevated SAH, you may benefit from things like phosphatidylcholine and creatine. Measure RBC fatty acids and urinary creatinine.

Listen to this podcast:


Creatine and Phosphatidylcholine are two common nutrients I recommend when SAM levels are low to borderline.

Why? Because if SAMe levels are borderline, then you need to reduce burden of SAMe by taking creatine and PC. These two nutrients put a huge load on SAMe and by taking them directly, you are freeing up SAMe to do other things for you like support DNA regulation/repair, make neurotransmitters and detoxify.


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Senior Member
I don't know about creatine impacting methylation, but it made my whole body swell up when I tried it.
Obviously your methylation isn't abnormal. Your results are good. However your neurotransmitters (assuming the test is accurate) are screwed up. To me it seems most likely, that the "jammed pathway" lies in P5P.

Do you take P5P?


Senior Member
Bumping an old thread. Yesterday added in 750mg creatine hcl and shortly thereafter felt stimulated, hypersensitive to all senses, a little anxious, and couldn’t sleep a few hours later until I took 100mg niacin. I’m going to continue experimenting with it at earlier times and see how that plays out.