Can anyone tell me what nerve/symptom this is?


Senior Member

Specifically, the nerve going down from the armpit veritcally.

I'll ask about this here, in case anyone reads it and knows some very obscure problem. But, basically, I have a sensation of tightness with a hint of inflammation that runs from my left face, down my neck and then close along my left spine to about c9. Similar issues on the left side in a sciatic nerve region. Inner left armpit feels tight. As a result I tend to pull my head to the left. It's not painful, it's not alleviated by any position and reacts to exercise and stimulants to become tighter, and feels maybe a more 'swollen', but never painful as I'd describe pain.

So it feels like the path of a nerve, but I've seen 3 neurologist and gotten: bad posture, sensatization disorder and "the areas near a nerve are reactive following an infection". None of them make any sense at all, so as I search for answer I turn to PR. And it also doesn't come with any distinct signs of a specific nerve, e.g. weakness, numbness or neuropathic pain. Yet, it's quite apparent all the time and it's miserable to live with.

The only background I have atm is I do have sings of axonal changes and demyelination vias an EMG and NCS. But I haven no abnormal immune results.