Can anyone recommend a qualified ME-aware disability lawyer in Portland, OR area?

This is RWP, PWR's husband (borrowing her account!)

I recevied SSD & SSI back in 1990, using a local lawyer (not ME-focused, but competent). Not sure if he's still in practice, but since I may have to apply now (I've been able to work part-time for much of the intervening period), I would appreciate any referrals.
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Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
Oh, hello. So good to see you again.

This Andrew Kantor had a post on reddit from two years ago that sounded good. He's down the page on the fourth row. (I also think I've heard his name mentioned here on PR before so you could do a search maybe.)

I'm not techy but he did that thread I mentioned on reddit however when I try to paste the url only it gives the wording of his intro post so I'm gonna leave it off and give you my search results instead: (It's the ninth result down the page currently.)

Edit #2: Sorry...back again. Here is the search results on PR that came up with his name:
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Thanks, Judee! I checked into Kantor, but they only do LTD, not SSDI. I have some local names I'm trying.

Anyone else know of a Portland, OR area SSDI lawyer (initial phase, haven't applied yet or gotten rejected)


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
Maybe not as helpful but there are ME/CFS lawyers who post on Youtube. Some of them do outside their own areas too. I can't remember the names right now. Sorry.

Also Jonathan Ginsburg has a lot of what to do/what not to do videos there that are really good. He also does outside his state but he's in Atlanta so not sure if he works that far away.

RWP (Rest without Peace)

Senior Member
Maybe this has already been posted here on Phoenix, but I am unable to find a M.D. or D.O. in the greater Portland OR area who is M.E.-literate enough to handle my SSDI & SSI claim. I am the original poster, actually, but I accidentally used my wife's account, PWR (Peace without Rest).

Obviously, there is no specialist in this area, but if someone in this area has used a sympathetic and competent MD or DO, please let me know!