burning sensation on skin

Does anyone experience a weird burning sensation that feels like it was right under the skin?
It's not really painful, but very unpleasant. It's mostly located in my feet and hands, but also in my legs. Normally it occurs in the morning, when I wake up.

The feeling isn't like being sunburned, probably a bit like hot and cold and not sensitive to the touch.

I heard that some cfs patients suffer from an "acid poured over the body" feeling, and I guess it somehow feels like that, but as I said, not really painful. Also my legs feel a bit more heavy then.

What could it be?
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Old Bones

Senior Member
Does anyone experience a weird burning sensation that feels like it was right under the skin? It's not really painful, but very unpleasant. It's mostly located in my feet and hands, but also in my legs. Normally it occurs in the morning, when I wake up.

I heard that some cfs patients suffer from a "acid poured over the body" feeling, and I guess it somehow feels like that, but as I said, not really painful.

@sleepingbeautyxxx I often experience a type of extreme discomfort I've described to others as feeling like I've been "dipped in acid" -- most frequently my feet, but sometimes wrapping around my arms and legs as well. I call it "dirty pain" as opposed to true (clean) pain which, although more intense, is actually easier for me to bear. I notice the acid burn/sting most when I'm lying down, especially after getting into bed in the evening -- not in the morning after awakening, as in your case.

I have been diagnosed with small fibre peripheral neuropathy by an internist.

For my feet, I warm up pouches of flax seeds in the microwave and place them in heavy socks when I go to bed. The heat distracts me from the discomfort long enough to help me get to sleep. Otherwise, I don't know what to suggest.
@oldbones thank you for replying!
Actually today it also started when I was laying down...
I always warm up my lava pouch, so I probably never felt it in the evening before.
I will ask my doctor about this tomorrow.


Senior Member
I've had a weird sort of "burning" pain on the tops of both forearms for a number of years, possibly since the start of the illness.

Is is not exactly "burning," though. It's similar to a sort of painful, "prickly" feeling, as if both forearms are wrapped in burlap or jute or something. It's worse when wearing something with long sleeves. It's character and location makes me wonder if it might be related to hair follicles in that area.

[ Like this is touching my skin ]

Being very fair-skinned, the tops of my forearms were occasionally sunburned when I was a child, but that was decades ago. It certainly feels inflamed, but there is no redness.
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Senior Member
Vancouver, British Columbia
Does anyone experience a weird burning sensation that feels like it was right under the skin?
It's not really painful, but very unpleasant. It's mostly located in my feet and hands, but also in my legs. Normally it occurs in the morning, when I wake up.

The feeling isn't like being sunburned, probably a bit like hot and cold and not sensitive to the touch.

I heard that some cfs patients suffer from an "acid poured over the body" feeling, and I guess it somehow feels like that, but as I said, not really painful. Also my legs feel a bit more heavy then.

What could it be?
I had a couple of months last year that I went through this with my right foot. No where else. It seems to have gone away now and I have no idea what caused it or why it went away. :confused:
Does anyone experience a weird burning sensation that feels like it was right under the skin?
It's not really painful, but very unpleasant. It's mostly located in my feet and hands, but also in my legs. Normally it occurs in the morning, when I wake up.

The feeling isn't like being sunburned, probably a bit like hot and cold and not sensitive to the touch.

I heard that some cfs patients suffer from an "acid poured over the body" feeling, and I guess it somehow feels like that, but as I said, not really painful. Also my legs feel a bit more heavy then.

What could it be?
Did you figure out what this is? It just started for me a week ago. A cold/hot feeling right under the skin, like Icy Hot. Sometimes I feel it on my neck other times shoulders, whole back or arms. For me it usually occurs in early morning, but yesterday it happened in the evening.
Did you figure out what this is? It just started for me a week ago. A cold/hot feeling right under the skin, like Icy Hot. Sometimes I feel it on my neck other times shoulders, whole back or arms. For me it usually occurs in early morning, but yesterday it happened in the evening.

@happy I consulted my doctor and she said that this symptom fits very well in the cfs picture. I guess it is yet another neurological problem we have to deal with...

I find that heat makes it worse sometimes, at least in the mornings. It might help to keep a slightly cooler bed (hard for me since I'm always freezing).


I experience periods with numb hands and arms. Sometimes it feels like my skin has been burned, which occurs on side of my hands, some fingers, and the side of my forearm (very sensitive to touch). I also get tingling/prickling feeling in my feet, along with vibration feelings (like a cell phone is vibrating on my foot). Symptoms normally appear during flares and it was explained to me by my doctor that muscle spasms along the spine may be inducing the sensations. I also have foraminal narrowing...so maybe it's that, or a combination of the two.
I have a similar problem. Constant mild burning and tingling of the skin. Not very painful, but definitely unpleasant. I also have photosensitivity, I can't go outside, without CFS symptoms worsening immediately and then sometimes my skin feels very warm or burns more later on. I haven't figured this out completely yet, but sublingual hydroxocobalamin definitely helped me.

Here is a blog from a woman, who has very severe photosensitive skin with burning skin symptoms and she improved it some with supplements. Vitamin B2 also helps me, I don't know about the other supplements.
She also takes phosphatidylcholine, but I don't really know about that, because I think phosphatidylcholine can release fatty acids, including arachidonic acid, which has pro-inflammatory properties.

Here, in the choline metabolism you can see PLA2 that's the enzyme phospholipase A2, it is said to have pro-inflammatory effects, because it releases fatty acids/ arachidonic acid. It is inhibited by a substance in the shiitake mushroom, I don't know wether that might also help. The Shiitake Mushroom extract can have anti-inflammatory effects on the skin.

In addition I take vitamin B3, which also helps the skin at times and am trying choline hydrogentartrate at the moment, instead of phosphatidylcholine, but very low-dose, since it can induce weakness.


Senior Member
Czech Republic
I developed same thing about year ago. Burning hands, feet, face, or any part of skin that is pressured. It turned out it is most likely from Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (mcas) which is common with CFS. Combination of antihistamines seem to improve this for me.