Bruising from Small amounts of Fish Oil?


Senior Member
Anyone else get bruises from taking even tiny amount of fish oil?

I thought I'd give them a try again. I took only ONE capsules TWO times a week for two weeks (so only 4 capsules total). And they weren't high potency, just the usual 300mg EPA and 200 DHA in each capsule.

Once again, a largish bruise on my arm and thigh have appeared.

I stopped taking them.

Does this mean my blood is already too thin? Or a sign of anemia? My ferritin levels tend to be the low end of normal. I supplement during my period but iron supplements increase pain for me.

I know people who take 5-8 capsules of fish oil A DAY! I can't even take 1 capsule twice a week?

----Sorry this post showed up twice. Can't delete one......?