Any thoughts beyond the PEM thread for specifically cognitively induced brain fog crashes?
For me, computer work, phone calls, videochats, etc - all lead to awful multi-day crashes. I tried videogames a few times and the crash would start about five minutes in. I can't seem to figure out how to even moderate it other than to just do nothing which is insanely boring and frustrating.
Things I've tried to some degree (although always wonder about dosage): meditation, Chinese skullcap, cumin, Q10, creatine, huperzine, Valium, Cialis, citicoline, Alpha GPC, fish oil, allicin, propranolol, ketotifen, cromolyn, quercetin, curcumin, magnesium (glycinate, malate, threonate), BCAA, ALCAR, baking soda, probiotics, D-Ribose, passion flower, and so forth.
Caffeine helps slightly to relieve the crash, as does ibuprofen (although I try to avoid any regular use). Can't figure out if anything helps shield it.
The headache and brain fog is maybe the worst. Feels like just a constant heat stroke headache that lasts for days, usually with elevated diastolic (85-90) and that wonderful poisoned feeling.
For me, computer work, phone calls, videochats, etc - all lead to awful multi-day crashes. I tried videogames a few times and the crash would start about five minutes in. I can't seem to figure out how to even moderate it other than to just do nothing which is insanely boring and frustrating.
Things I've tried to some degree (although always wonder about dosage): meditation, Chinese skullcap, cumin, Q10, creatine, huperzine, Valium, Cialis, citicoline, Alpha GPC, fish oil, allicin, propranolol, ketotifen, cromolyn, quercetin, curcumin, magnesium (glycinate, malate, threonate), BCAA, ALCAR, baking soda, probiotics, D-Ribose, passion flower, and so forth.
Caffeine helps slightly to relieve the crash, as does ibuprofen (although I try to avoid any regular use). Can't figure out if anything helps shield it.
The headache and brain fog is maybe the worst. Feels like just a constant heat stroke headache that lasts for days, usually with elevated diastolic (85-90) and that wonderful poisoned feeling.