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Brain fMRI in patients complaining of electrohypersensitivity after long term exposure to EMFs


Senior Member
Rev Environ Health. 2017 Jul 5. pii: /j/reveh.ahead-of-print/reveh-2017-0014/reveh-2017-0014.xml. doi: 10.1515/reveh-2017-0014. [Epub ahead of print]

Functional brain MRI in patients complaining of electrohypersensitivity after long term exposure to electromagnetic fields.

Heuser G, Heuser SA.


Ten adult patients with electromagnetic hypersensitivity underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) brain scans. All scans were abnormal with abnormalities which were consistent and similar. It is proposed that fMRI brain scans be used as a diagnostic aid for determining whether or not a patient has electromagnetic hypersensitivity. Over the years we have seen an increasing number of patients who had developed multi system complaints after long term repeated exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). These complaints included headaches, intermittent cognitive and memory problems, intermittent disorientation, and also sensitivity to EMF exposure. Regular laboratory tests were within normal limits in these patients. The patients refused to be exposed to radioactivity. This of course ruled out positron emission tomography (PET) and single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) brain scanning. This is why we ordered fMRI brain scans on these patients. We hoped that we could document objective abnormalities in these patients who had often been labeled as psychiatric cases.

Ten patients first underwent a regular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scan, using a 3 Tesla Siemens Verio MRI open system. A functional MRI study was then performed in the resting state using the following sequences: A three-dimensional, T1-weighted, gradient-echo (MPRAGE) Resting state network. The echo-planar imaging (EPI) sequences for this resting state blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) scan were then post processed on a 3D workstation and the independent component analysis was performed separating out the various networks. Arterial spin labeling. Tractography and fractional anisotropy.

All ten patients had abnormal functional MRI brain scans. The abnormality was often described as hyper connectivity of the anterior component of the default mode in the medial orbitofrontal area. Other abnormalities were usually found. Regular MRI studies of the brain were mostly unremarkable in these patients.

We propose that functional MRI studies should become a diagnostic aid when evaluating a patient who claims electrohypersensitivity (EHS) and has otherwise normal studies. Interestingly, the differential diagnosis for the abnormalities seen on the fMRI includes head injury. It turns out that many of our patients indeed had a history of head injury which was then followed sometime later by the development of EHS. Many of our patients also had a history of exposure to potentially neurotoxic chemicals, especially mold. Head injury and neurotoxic chemical exposure may make a patient more vulnerable to develop EHS.

electrohypersensitivity (EHS); electromagnetic field (EMF); fMRI; multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS)



PR activist
Interestingly, the differential diagnosis for the abnormalities seen on the fMRI includes head injury. It turns out that many of our patients indeed had a history of head injury
Could they just simply have head injury?


Senior Member
Ah yes.
Let's expose people with electrosensitivity to the most powerful magnets and radio waves found.

What could possibly go wrong?

More seriously, I have real problems with the electrosensitivity literature, as much of it is dire. As a hobbyist, I can construct matched inert and active dummy transmitters to wear on the head or wherever, inexpensively.


Senior Member
"We propose that functional MRI studies should become a diagnostic aid when evaluating a patient who claims electrohypersensitivity..."

Electricity is whatever I choose it to be, neither more and not less except when it's both, or neither.
That is all.


Senior Member
Let's expose people with electrosensitivity to the most powerful magnets and radio waves found.

I have EHS and had an MRI last year. I kept putting it off fully expecting it to be a totally nightmare but it was pretty anti-climatic. On the other hand I had a SPECT done years ago and it was a total nightmare and made my brain feel like it was being cooked. I guess that's why the participants refused to have a SPECT or PET done.


Senior Member
Not saying EHS isn't a perceptual thing, but it's clearly not to all wavelengths and amplitudes.

Typical MRI uses several tens to hundreds of times the power of mobile phones, in around same frequency band.
(in addition to high strength magnets of a strength not found anywhere else people are exposed to)

By comparison, SPECT in these same wavebands will be emitting at under a billionth of the level of a MRI.

Proper research is needed to what people can and can't sense, and the mechanisms.


Senior Member
Ah yes.
Let's expose people with electrosensitivity to the most powerful magnets and radio waves found.

What could possibly go wrong?

More seriously, I have real problems with the electrosensitivity literature, as much of it is dire. As a hobbyist, I can construct matched inert and active dummy transmitters to wear on the head or wherever, inexpensively.


Senior Member
Roger, I was diagnosed ME in 1984, CFS in 1994 and then FMS in 2004. My illness I had been suffering since the 1960s. It was in 2004 that I realised I was suffering from microwave illness and had been all that time from 1960 to 1984. I was on the merry-go-round for may years trying to establish what in the world was wrong. I had not idea that the work I was employed in the military communications network and being radiated, day in and day out by extreme wireless radiation.

It's sad that you made this comment about EHS sufferers, who have suffered the same as you: "Let's expose people with electro sensitivity to the most powerful magnets and radio waves found. What could possibly go wrong?"

Don't you think your comment is unfair, particularly when you don't know anything about the illness. Do you know the symptoms are the same as ME and CFS. I am sharing this with as being a person who had been diagnosed as ME and CFS. I am sure no EHS sufferer made fun at you, and you are totally out of order to infer that EHS sufferers have a mental problem, just the same as some people infer of ME and CFS sufferers.

You then went onto say: "More seriously, I have real problems with the electro sensitivity literature, as much of it is dire. As a hobbyist, I can construct matched inert and active dummy transmitters to wear on the head or wherever, inexpensively.

You lack some morals there in making fun of an illness that is recognised, and I am not a hobbyist, I am a researcher and an ex-military microwave expert. In fact the Austrian Medical Association refers to it as EMF Syndrome, and the military medical research refers to it as microwave illness.

If you are a mobile phone, microwave oven and Wi Fi user then I will make you aware that and ES sufferer also suffers from electric and magnetic fields (ELF). The radiation that comes out of mobile phones, microwave ovens and any form of Wi Fi is referred to as microwave non-ionised radiation.

Now as a ME, CFS and FMS sufferer and also suffering from microwave illness, I will refer you to site that will fill any uninformed hobbyist lie you: qrsaa.org

Many of the medical documents, particularly, US DIA Medical Research of 1976 what happens when you are exposed to microwave non-ionised radiation, that is radiated out of mobile and DECT phones, microwave ovens, computers/laptops, IPhone, IPads and all other devices. After you have read the Austrian Medical Association guidelines for EMF Syndrome sufferers and all the medical research on www.qrsaa.org, I am sure you will not longer be a hobbyist and you will know the difference between right and wrong and not make fun of similar sufferer like you, who suffers exactly the same symptoms as you do, the symptoms I know very well.

You can message me and I will discuss the finer points of EHS and ES, which are caused by microwave non-ionised radiation and electrical/magnetic fields. And on that note both of those sources are classified by the World Health Organisation as "2B Carcinogenic".

Please don't make fun of those sufferers, as many have died from cancer, brain tumours, and have suicided because of their extreme suffering. Best to you.


Senior Member
I have EHS and had an MRI last year. I kept putting it off fully expecting it to be a totally nightmare but it was pretty anti-climatic. On the other hand I had a SPECT done years ago and it was a total nightmare and made my brain feel like it was being cooked. I guess that's why the participants refused to have a SPECT or PET done.


Senior Member
Hixxy, I an support you on that, as each MRI I have had it has cooked me and the last two I had, it had taken me a week to get over the exposure. In fact many sufferers have been in touch with Dr Heuser, and non of my MRIs have shown any nerve damage, and I am now diagnosed peripheral neuropathy. So a person who has been diagnosed ME, CFS, and FMS and is now how peripheral nerve damage doesn't show up in MRIs. My peripheral damage was caused by electric/magnetic fields (ELF) from power line and electric appliances in out home. The electric blanket was one of the main offenders, including the bedside clock radio and water bed. The other is microwave non-ionised radiation, which is referred to as radio frequency radiation (RFR) that is radiated from all wireless devices including the towers. They are both classified "2B Carcinogenic". As you said you are an EHS sufferer and your symptoms are exactly the same as ME, CFS and FMS sufferers, including the symptoms of "Neurasthenia". All the best to you mate.


Senior Member
"We propose that functional MRI studies should become a diagnostic aid when evaluating a patient who claims electrohypersensitivity..."

Electricity is whatever I choose it to be, neither more and not less except when it's both, or neither.
That is all.


Senior Member
If you had ever read any USN, NASA, US DIA, and many other medical research documents, you need to understand that the electricity you assume that it's something you can't see---then it can' hurt you, then please explain why it is classified "2B Carcinogenic" and it has been shown it can cause leukaemia. Again I suggest you have a thorough read of www.qrsaa.org and a person who suffers EHS and ES today could say the same about what you suffer from, and do you suffer from ME, or CFS or FMS?


Senior Member
My commits on this abstract, will not find anything how to prove that microwave non-ionised radiation affects the brain. An EHS and ES sufferers suffers from a multitude of symptoms and it was first recorded in 1881 as Neurasthenia. Those sufferers were the super rich and famous in New York who had electricity connected to their home for the first time and a great percentage of them became ill. The medical profession called it "socialites illness", but later on they called it "nervous exhaustion" and gave it the name of "neurasthenia".

In 1976 the US DIA stated the military personnel exposed to microwave non-ionised radiation below thermal levels experience more neurological, cardiovascular and haemodynamic disturbances that do their unexposed counterparts---effects attributed to exposure included bradycardia, hypotension and changes in EKG indices---and exhibited neurasthenic disorders against abnormal changes in tonicity of blood vessels---and suffered subjective complaints: headaches, fatigue, dizziness, irritability, agitation, tension, drowsiness, sleeplessness, depression, anxiety, forgetfulness and lack of concentration---the very things that mobile phones cause.


Senior Member
Yes Hixxy, the head injury is the central nervous system, and some end up with brain tumours and cancer.


Senior Member
Rev Environ Health. 2017 Jul 5. pii: /j/reveh.ahead-of-print/reveh-2017-0014/reveh-2017-0014.xml. doi: 10.1515/reveh-2017-0014. [Epub ahead of print]

Functional brain MRI in patients complaining of electrohypersensitivity after long term exposure to electromagnetic fields.

Heuser G, Heuser SA.


Ten adult patients with electromagnetic hypersensitivity underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) brain scans. All scans were abnormal with abnormalities which were consistent and similar. It is proposed that fMRI brain scans be used as a diagnostic aid for determining whether or not a patient has electromagnetic hypersensitivity. Over the years we have seen an increasing number of patients who had developed multi system complaints after long term repeated exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). These complaints included headaches, intermittent cognitive and memory problems, intermittent disorientation, and also sensitivity to EMF exposure. Regular laboratory tests were within normal limits in these patients. The patients refused to be exposed to radioactivity. This of course ruled out positron emission tomography (PET) and single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) brain scanning. This is why we ordered fMRI brain scans on these patients. We hoped that we could document objective abnormalities in these patients who had often been labeled as psychiatric cases.

Ten patients first underwent a regular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scan, using a 3 Tesla Siemens Verio MRI open system. A functional MRI study was then performed in the resting state using the following sequences: A three-dimensional, T1-weighted, gradient-echo (MPRAGE) Resting state network. The echo-planar imaging (EPI) sequences for this resting state blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) scan were then post processed on a 3D workstation and the independent component analysis was performed separating out the various networks. Arterial spin labeling. Tractography and fractional anisotropy.

All ten patients had abnormal functional MRI brain scans. The abnormality was often described as hyper connectivity of the anterior component of the default mode in the medial orbitofrontal area. Other abnormalities were usually found. Regular MRI studies of the brain were mostly unremarkable in these patients.

We propose that functional MRI studies should become a diagnostic aid when evaluating a patient who claims electrohypersensitivity (EHS) and has otherwise normal studies. Interestingly, the differential diagnosis for the abnormalities seen on the fMRI includes head injury. It turns out that many of our patients indeed had a history of head injury which was then followed sometime later by the development of EHS. Many of our patients also had a history of exposure to potentially neurotoxic chemicals, especially mold. Head injury and neurotoxic chemical exposure may make a patient more vulnerable to develop EHS.

electrohypersensitivity (EHS); electromagnetic field (EMF); fMRI; multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS)



Senior Member
MRI studies will not diagnose microwave illness, sometimes referred to as Electrohyper sensitivity (EHS) or Electro sensitivity (ES) and sometimes referred to as Environmental sensitivity. But, whatever the syndrome the symptoms are the same, therefore, maybe a MRI study could diagnose ME, CFS and FMS, after all they were diagnosed on symptoms.

An EHS/ES sufferer are usually people who have also been invaded by neurotoxins, such as metal ions leached from amalgam or metal-based fillings. These metals in the blood and tissue will cause neurotoxins, and will make an EHS/ES sufferer worse.

The above MRI study does not cover or look into the neurological action from wireless radiation and electric/magnetic fields and the increase of neuropathy, which is a malfunctioning of a nerve or a group of nerves, which can be caused by nutritional deficiency, drug toxicity, trauma, vascular damage, poisoning or disease. This disrupts the normal nerve impulse transmission from the damaged nerve that throws the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) out of whack. EHS/ES sufferers also suffer from paraesthesia, causalgia, and dysesthesia.

As we know that modern MRI is a high-strength, high-slew-rate gradient coils that give a better image quality and faster imaging speed. However, rapidly time-varying magnetic fields produced by the gradient coils induce electric fields in the tissue of the patient, and at the same time frequency radiation, which can cause peripheral nerve stimulation, that an EHS or microwave illness sufferer does not need. Despite considerable research in this area in recent years, the relationship between PNS thresholds and gradient coil linear region dimensions or gradient performance parameters is still not well understood. And in the nutshell, MRI studies will make EHS/ES sufferers worse.


Senior Member
It's sad that you made this comment about EHS sufferers, who have suffered the same as you: "Let's expose people with electro sensitivity to the most powerful magnets and radio waves found. What could possibly go wrong?"

Don't you think your comment is unfair, particularly when you don't know anything about the illness.
I am not making fun of the patients.

Merely stating that if they are electrosensitive, one of the very highest sources of electromagnetism in many forms (near-DC fields, DC fields, RF fields) is the MRI machine, often at millions of times what some are claiming as causative for peoples problems, and sometimes in the same frequency ranges.

It is in many ways literally analogous to requesting a CFS/ME person do a ultra-endurance run.

You then went onto say: "More seriously, I have real problems with the electro sensitivity literature, as much of it is dire. As a hobbyist, I can construct matched inert and active dummy transmitters to wear on the head or wherever, inexpensively.

You lack some morals there in making fun of an illness that is recognised, and I am not a hobbyist, I am a researcher and an ex-military microwave expert. In fact the Austrian Medical Association refers to it as EMF Syndrome, and the military medical research refers to it as microwave illness.

If you are a mobile phone, microwave oven and Wi Fi user then I will make you aware that and ES sufferer also suffers from electric and magnetic fields (ELF). The radiation that comes out of mobile phones, microwave ovens and any form of Wi Fi is referred to as microwave non-ionised radiation.
That's 'non-ionising microwave radiation'. I am not making fun of the illness, I am stating that the published research I have seen is dire.

Now as a ME, CFS and FMS sufferer and also suffering from microwave illness, I will refer you to site that will fill any uninformed hobbyist lie you: qrsaa.org

Many of the medical documents, particularly, US DIA Medical Research of 1976 what happens when you are exposed to microwave non-ionised radiation, that is radiated out of mobile and DECT phones, microwave ovens, computers/laptops, IPhone, IPads and all other devices.

I am not arguing that there are no symptoms. Merely that actually testing at the levels involved, and not relying on decades old papers of limited applicability is something that is severely lacking.
For one thing, frequency and power emitted by phones have changed radically from 1970 to now.

Take a mobile phone, and a dummy of the same weight. Set the phone up to continually download data. Place in identical boxes. In a double blind manner, move closer to electrosensitive person, till they feel something, then remove. Do this with even one person with electrosensitivity, in a proper double blind manner, and you could get something interesting.

Do it with five, and ten tests each, and you've got something that's statistically pretty much proof either way. (for the spectrum emitted by a phone connected to the network involved)

Do the same with the phone connected over Wifi. Do the same with a PRS radio.

This is a readily and simply testable thing, akin to audiology hearing tests, to see if people in fact have a prompt reaction to electromagnetism.

If they do - great - research mechanism. If they don't - great - look for any reason your tests were bad, and then look for other causative factors correlated with (but not) EMF.

Studying electrosensitivity without double blind tests of susceptibility is like studying diabetes without measuring glucose levels.
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Senior Member
Hi Roger, I am pleased that you replied and you weren’t making fun of EHS sufferers. Your suggestion on the exposure to more powerful magnets indicates the level of your electronic and electrical knowledge and understanding. From you comment you haven’t and understanding or knowledge of microwave non-ionised radiation and “electricity and magnetism”. Being an old military instructor, I would give your “two out of ten” just by what you have already said. I do suggest you do some research into electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and electric/magnetic fields (ELF) on how it works and how dangerous it is.

I did say earlier that EMR and ELF are classified “2B Carcinogenic”, which means the radiation that is radiated from any form of wireless device and even a microwave oven is dangerous and can cause cancer, and I know a number of people who have died from pancreatic, kidney, bowel cancer and brain cancer and tumour; and they all knew their cancer was caused by excessive use of the wireless technology.

Exposure to EMR and ELF has nothing to do with DC fields whatsoever. As for RF fields, which is Radio Frequency Fields, isn’t radiation, but ELF low Hz scale, which is found emitting from all AC fields. I’ll end the basic lesson there.

Sorry Roger, you said “some are claiming as causative”, now your some figure could be about 5% of the world population. How many ME, CFS and FMS sufferers would you believe are around the world “claim” they have ME or CFS or FMS and not being diagnosed or recognised?

Have you any idea what the words “frequency ranges” means to trained ex-military person---not a lay person; and I have no idea what an ultra-endurance run has to do with exposure to EMR and ELF that is a carcinogenic source.
That’s okay Roger, I accuse you of arguing, and I basically said you don’t know what you are talking about. Did you know that there is no such test for testing anyone who is suffering an illness from EMR and ELF, much the same for ME or CFS or FMS or Lyme’s Disease or Chemical sensitivity or peripheral neuropathy or any idiopathic illness by diagnosis, which is mostly by symptoms. When ME and CFS became to be seen, the medical profession wouldn’t accept it and even today it’s still the same.

Don’t ever make fun or an uneducated claim that “decades old papers of limited applicability” means nothing, as by that statement you are showing your intentional ignorance and blindness. I guess you didn’t view that site I recommended to you that is full of medical research, and I guess you didn’t even view the Austrian Medical Association guidelines to their doctors of the treatment of EMF Syndrome, which is the Austrian version of EHS, and treatment is much the same as ME and CFS sufferers.

Now, the only reason why I am taking time to contradict you comments is to educate you and prevent you spreading misinformation.

You then you lack of knowledge and understanding again by stating: “For one thing, frequency and power emitted by phones have changed radically from 1970 to now.” You do need to know what signal strength (dBm), power output (mW/m2) and field output (v/m), and then try and teach yourself how electromotive force (emf) works.

Did you know that most idiopathic disorders, that is, a disorder that no understanding can be given, such as ME or CFS or FMS and ask yourself what is the OFFICIAL causation factor. We now have a plague of Lyme’s Disease, and the only way you can contract LD is to be bitten by a “Deer Tick”. How can people living in an apartment block, five stories up, get bitten by a tick?

There is no testing method to prove microwave illness, because that is what EHS is---yep---microwave illness. Did you know Roger that in Sweden it’s recognised as “impairment” and there are rooms put aside for such sufferers in hospital to protect them from EMR and ELF.

Roger, did you know that the central nervous system or peripheral nervous system can develop a malfunction of a nerve or a group of nerves, much the same as ME, CFS and FMS. These illnesses can be caused by the disruption of normal nerve impulses from a damaged nerve. This disruption can also cause a nutritional deficiency, drug toxicity, trauma, vascular damage, and poisoning or disease state like diabetes. Did you know the EMR and ELF can cause diabetes?

Are you a ME or CFS or FMS sufferer?”

Have a read of this post-1970 document: “EUROPAEM EMF Guideline 2016 for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of EMF-related health problems and illnesses” at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27454111
But do get a full copy of the document and have a read.

My long reply is only to educate you in seeing that there are people out there, who need to be understood and given empathy, and being a ME, CFS, FMS, PN and Microwave Illness sufferer, I think I know what I am talking about, and besides I am 80 years of age.

Best to you Roger, and keep punching.


Senior Member
Hi Roger, I am pleased that you replied and you weren’t making fun of EHS sufferers. Your suggestion on the exposure to more powerful magnets indicates the level of your electronic and electrical knowledge and understanding. From you comment you haven’t and understanding or knowledge of microwave non-ionised radiation and “electricity and magnetism”. Being an old military instructor, I would give your “two out of ten” just by what you have already said. I do suggest you do some research into electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and electric/magnetic fields (ELF) on how it works and how dangerous it is.
Have you any idea what the words “frequency ranges” means to trained ex-military person---not a lay person; and I have no idea what an ultra-endurance run has to do with exposure to EMR and ELF that is a carcinogenic source.

I don't actually care what it means to an ex military person.
I was part way through a physics/math/CS degree when I dropped out of uni, and have been involved in electronics to the point that I spent some months documenting in detail analog and digital performance of a mobile phone.

You are using terms incorrectly, which raises questions about your knowledge. Note for example "non-ionised radiation". The term 'ionised' (ionized being the US spelling) is flat out wrong.
The radiation is never 'non-ionising' and then ionised by some process.
The usage of the term "non-ionized radiation" has 3000 hits on google. "non-ionizing radiation" has 55 million.

If you don't know what the term frequency ranges means when discussing RF, you should not be discussing RF.

The MRI machine has a very strong magnetic field, and a time-varying magnetic field in various axes of some 1-1000Hz that is so strong they are running up against the edges of what will directly stimulate nerves.

This time-varying magnetic field of course has an associated electrical field, or it could not have any effect. It is millions of times stronger than that emitted by common electrical devices, and in the same frequency range that some have raised concerns about.

The RF pulses used in the MRI process are more powerful, and spread over a wider area than mobile phones, as much as several hundred watts, compared to the ~2 or so watts of a normal phone maximum.

These are in a 40MHz-500MHz frequency band, which is broadly comparable to mobile phones in the 700MHz-2.2GHz or so range. Older phones used much lower frequencies in the 40-500MHz band.

This was I thought clear to anyone with a casual knowledge of electronics and RF.

Putting someone in a chamber, and exposing them at much higher levels than any common environmental source to the thing they believe they are sensitive to is precisely analogous to requiring someone with CFS to run an ultramarathon as a diagnostic test.
It would only be ethical to do if you do not believe at all in electrosensitivity.
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