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Body Scans Reveal L-t effects COVID/CFS


Senior Member
Interesting, but I really can't see much difference between the patient blobs and the control blobs. I'll wait to see whether any trustworthy experts agree that there's a significant difference in blobs.

Florida Guy

Senior Member
I have wondered for a while if covid could lead later on to me/cfs. Some go straight to long covid and cfs symptoms and most don't but this shows some effects on even those with mild infections. I had what I believe to be covid in 2019. I recovered quickly within a few days from flu symptoms. But, in the last 40 years or more, I have not had the flu or even a cold. I take lots of vitamins and supps etc. So that was very unusual. In 2020 there was major surgery and chemo and I was never quite the same afterward. Then the end of '22 I had a gallstone pass which was very painful and that seemed to be the trigger.

I've heard of others being triggered by a respiratory disease or viral disease. What I liked to see in that article is the part where they say its not a psychological artifact but does have a physical impact that can be seen. Now I wonder if they tried this test on me/cfs patients? If it showed similar signs of T cell activation that might convince some skeptical and ignorant doctors of the fact that it is a real disease


Senior Member
Reminds me of Dr. Chia’s work on enteroviruses. This is potentially big news for LC patients.

Your are right to bring up John Chia. He has been looking in tissue for viruses, particularly enteroviruses, for many years. I saw him in the UK in 2005 or 2007 giving a lecture on his discoveries of viral protein of enterovirus in the gut. He has long been focussed on viral sequestration in ME patients, basing his work on Richardson and other UK physicians and researchers in the 80's and 90's and prior. He saw a clear path and followed it. Most likely it is not the only path but it is a real one. Unfortunately, Dr. Chia's work has basically been ignored for many years. This fantastic Polybio study allows us to focus back onto Dr. Chia's work and to acknowledge that maybe he was onto something. To me, Dr Chia is an American hero and I hope that this study allows him and his ideas regarding a target for ME to be validated. The truth is that perhaps there are various or many viruses involved in provoking this disease, but it might be helpful to start with something real and then move on to study other sequestered viruses. I would very much like to see Dr. Chia's brain and work elevated with some hard cash, accompanied by some acknowledgement of what he has done. It is a sad state of affairs that so many researchers have set aside his work, and at what cost? - thousands of people dead and dying, lives ruined.

In the real world, this study of Polybio and Peluso is potentially big news for anyone with a post-viral sickness, whatever name you want to give it. I would also want to give acknowledgement to Amy Proal and her collaborators in general.
