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Blood-brain barrier breakdown an early driver of dementia, study says

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Interesting, but no real information other than, "Gosh, we were wrong about that tau thingy and Alzheimer's. Go figure. Are our faces red. Maybe we'll add this new information, which we'll probably have to apologize for in a few years, but it may buy us some time to figure out something new, ya'll".

Nonetheless, the leakage of the BBB makes more sense than anything else they've said so far, and for that reason alone I found it interesting and a good jumping off point for further research.

Thank you for posting this, @antares4141


Senior Member
Truth or consequences, nm
Interesting, but no real information other than, "Gosh, we were wrong about that tau thingy and Alzheimer's. Go figure. Are our faces red.

Thank you for posting this, @antares4141

Lol! It would be nice if they were that humble. (to be embarrassed) Most will probably pretend they knew this all along if it turns out to have a substantial amount credibility.


wiggle jiggle
too bad, they couldnt be ar*ed to look why these brain vessels were leaking.

would sound easy enough to blast a set of mice all those vaccinations, the leakers had in their lifetime, and then look if the mice-brain were leaking.


Senior Member
i have been waiting for a very long time for them to throw the long held premise of amyloid/tau into the waste basket. Finally...


Senior Member
i have been waiting for a very long time for them to throw the long held premise of amyloid/tau into the waste basket. Finally...

you don't believe that amyloid/tau causes problems? I thought this was proven...


Senior Member
you don't believe that amyloid/tau causes problems? I thought this was proven...

No. Other research a long time ago did not conclude that. The amyloid was the bodies attempt to repair the body. they demonized cholesterol for arteries for decades.


Senior Member
No. Other research a long time ago did not conclude that. The amyloid was the bodies attempt to repair the body. they demonized cholesterol for arteries for decades.

I thought one of the fixes is that ultrasonic therapy can break up the plaque (amyloid/tau).. however, the brain structure may already be deformed/broken by the plaque so it's stops progress of the disease, but doesn't cure


February 2015 – Preclinical Work to Open BBB at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Kullervo Hynynen, PhD, and his team in Toronto used focused ultrasound to open the BBB to deliver antibodies that reduce the amount of damaging plaques in the brain. They showed that repeated treatments alone (no antibodies) improved spatial memory in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. This work gained the attention of NIH, and they planned to translate their findings to human clinical trials.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...


Senior Member
It just doesn't make sense to me that breaking down the BBB, which we've heard over and over again is the primary protective barrier for the brain, excluding as it does a whole raft of unpleasant and damaging things from bacteria on, is a good idea in any universe, unless there's a contrarian alternate one .....

i know!

I wonder if EVERY ultrasonic therapy for breaking down plaque includes this step?? I don't understand why they have to do this...

it's like going to the dentist and getting the tartar broken down by ultrasonic tech... except it's your brain :)

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I don't understand why they have to do this...
I think because they have something even better than free guinea pigs ..... they have guinea pigs that actually pay them for the privilege ..... and when something goes wrong, they can just shrug and say, "I guess that's why it's called a medical practice, eh? ...wink wink wink smirk "

it's like going to the dentist and getting the tartar broken down by ultrasonic tech... except it's your brain :)
I know, right? Blood-curdling recklessness with a trusting, desperately ill human being .....
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