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Biologics for me cfs


Senior Member
It has been mentioned that biologics might be a treatment for some me cfs patients. I wonder if any researchers have approached some of the best hospitals treating or researching rheumatology / autoimmune diseases to get an idea of whether they feel some patients who also have me cfs could have experienced good improvements on their biologics. There may be something to learn from their observations. It would be nice to hear from Dr. Klimas about her continued experience too.


Senior Member
I think biologics are powerful drugs that reduce inflammation related to autoimmune disease. Some of the drugs although producing very good results have side effects.


IVIG is a biologic that some ME patients currently use, especially if there is an autoimmune component. I think Ampligen would also qualify as a biologic. It has shown promise, but isn't readily available. Various interferons have also been tried and discussed for ME treatment.

For some of the stronger biologics used in autoimmune disease, I think the side effect profile is generally too high for most docs to consider.

There is also a supplement that contains "transfer factors" that could be considered a biologic. I was thinking about trying it.


Is there a specific transfer factor you had in mind Shanti1?

I was thinking about trying the Transfer Factor from Researched Nutritionals. They have a few versions, so I was going to call and see if any of their transfer factor is specific for EBV. https://www.researchednutritionals.com/product-category/products/immune-health-products/

If you do a search using the google search feature of the forum, there are a few threads on Transfer Factor. I would say mixed reviews. Historically, I have responded well to immune stimulants so I thought it might be worth a try in my case.