Not new (2011), but it seems like a good explanation for causes of fatigue. The article considers several mechanisms, but the strongest seems to be cytokines, particularly IL-1 and IL-6.
Simply measuring cytokine levels in CSF might not be enough to verify this hypothesis, since it could be a localized issue, or it could be altered sensitivity to the cytokines. One test that comes to mind: inject some PWME with the appropriate cytokines, and see if they feel that the effects are the same as their ME symptoms. Also, if there are suitable blockers available, see if those reduce the fatigue symptoms.
Not new (2011), but it seems like a good explanation for causes of fatigue. The article considers several mechanisms, but the strongest seems to be cytokines, particularly IL-1 and IL-6.
Simply measuring cytokine levels in CSF might not be enough to verify this hypothesis, since it could be a localized issue, or it could be altered sensitivity to the cytokines. One test that comes to mind: inject some PWME with the appropriate cytokines, and see if they feel that the effects are the same as their ME symptoms. Also, if there are suitable blockers available, see if those reduce the fatigue symptoms.