Do you think you are methylating properly?
probably not. maybe. i dont know.
but some b-vitamins seam to make it worse as well. i am trying methylfree b complex now but dont know yet if that makes a difference.
the methylfree b complex comes without any folate. therefore i need to take synthetic folic acid.
i took for years now like 50-100% RDA of vitamins in the bad methylfree common cheap forms they put in nutrition. i didnt feel that had any impact. but if i take my "good" b complex with active vitamins also just 100% RDA things get worse with asthma.
there is also the risk of permanent acquiring new allergies/sensitivities when i do things like this. pantethine seams to be strong in this.
maybe its a sulfid thing? but i didnt make that realization on eggs and those are big sulfur.
the problem is i am sensitive to soo many things, i cannot say if it are even the vitamins. i made the experience that sometimes i tolerate the same vitamin from one brand and the other not at all, like the vitamin k2mk4 story recently. and you never now what kind of residue is in your stuff. they do not declare everything, and sometimes it could be the invisible things.
in one blood sample i noticed i had very high SAMe blood levels, and i didnt supplement anything at that time. especially SAMe i do not take.
but this was years ago, at a time where my allergies/asthma/sensitivities werent that bad, also my health in general was much better.
also this article gives conflicting information, in one case methylation makes it worse, in another better.
the mentioned gene i am A/G , so i have one risk allele but thats actually rather common and not so much of a impact.