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BBC WS Business Daily (radio): Autoimmunity and technology


Senior Member
The Future of Healthcare
Business Daily

Big data and personalised healthcare could revolutionise medicine, or at least that's the claim at the Future in Review tech conference in Utah.

Presenter Ed Butler speaks to Dion Denmark who has lived six years with an as yet undiagnosed chronic illness, medic Leroy Hood who is pioneering a "systems biology" approach to understanding every data point affecting an individual's health, plus physicist Larry Smarr who is having every aspect of his health measured, including daily stool samples he keeps in his freezer.

This business radio programme was discussing using technology to understand individual health problems. No mention of ME but it seemed relevant. It's sooo not my area so may be something that's been discussed here before, or that's not all it's cracked up to be, but for one thing it was quite refreshing to hear someone with an undiagnosed disease being taken seriously on the BBC! Can't find anything about it on the BBC News website.

Edit: Was really too brain-fogged to make sense of this at this time of day. Edited to add info from site.
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