Balance issues?


Senior Member
Not sure if this is old age.. I now have serious balance issues. As in suddenly all but falling over for no reason. So far no damage done but it is worrying. As soon as I lean forward at all.


Senior Member
My balance was totally shot after I got POTS really bad (my dx, not the doctors). I couldn't walk without falling over because I felt like I was falling 100% of the time, and would 'correct' by throwing weight to try to keep from falling (which didn't work at all if I wasn't really falling after all).

If I had someone to hang onto, I would be fine because they would become my compass for what was 'upright'. For whatever reason, it would come and go for months... then struck severely and was constant for around 3 months. Docs only shrugged, and one thought it was an atypical, mild stroke. But 6 MRI's later, I don't think so.


Patient in training
Not sure if this is old age.. I now have serious balance issues. As in suddenly all but falling over for no reason. So far no damage done but it is worrying. As soon as I lean forward at all.
Hi @Marigold7 please see your doctor in this regard. They will review your medicines and medical history, and hopefully get down to the root of your problem. The last thing you need at this point os falling pff and breaking bones. Best wishes.


Senior Member
Not sure if this is old age.. I now have serious balance issues. As in suddenly all but falling over for no reason. So far no damage done but it is worrying. As soon as I lean forward at all.
Of course you've got to see your doc and get worked up. There are so many potential causes.
I started having major balance issues before I got diagnosed and started treatment and mine were almost completely reversed within weeks of my first Vit B12 shot.


Senior Member
Thanks everyone. I do not have good medical care here. The GP I tried to register with had no idea what M.E was and when I said I had Raynaud's glared at me as if I were a criminal . If this is part of the M.E the it will not be treated properly. Too tired to tackle them frankly.


Patient in training
Thanks everyone. I do not have good medical care here. The GP I tried to register with had no idea what M.E was and when I said I had Raynaud's glared at me as if I were a criminal . If this is part of the M.E the it will not be treated properly. Too tired to tackle them frankly.

Hi @Marigold7, your balance issue may not be related with the ME. I am not sure how long you've been sick with Me but your original post mentions you have a sudden problem with balance. This is information to bring to your dr. Often time bringing up the ME in the conversation will make things just a bit worse. And no, we can't blame everything on the ME.


Senior Member
I take b12 tablets that melt under my tongue.

If I come off them for a week I start falling over.

Will try that. All that would happen if I even registered with a GP is a referral that might take 2 years on a medical card. Honestly cannot face it!