Bad tummy


Senior Member
I'm quite often here having a read but have only recently opened an account, I've had ME since I was 22 years old I'm now 37. Recently I've had a repeat of a few tummy issues. Lots of gas, gurgling tummy, occasional stabbing or sharp pain. It's always worse when I'm also on my cycle. The last few weeks I've also noticed that most of my numbers twos now float though they often sink after a few minutes. I went to the doctor who asked all the usual things about any change of diet, weight or blood loss etc (none of those). I asked about the h pylori bacterial infection because I'm a relief carer and one of the people I care for had the infection which was treated with two courses of antibiotics. My GP told me that you can't catch the infection from someone else? Has anyone else had any symptoms similar to this?
Many thanks


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
Yorkshire, England
Sorry to hear your concerns were dismissed @Sarahloudobby :(

Some general tips that might help relive your symptoms or at least make them more manageable:

  • Warm drinks. Peppermint or Fennel Tea, or even just warm water can help relieve trapped gas.
  • 1/2 tsp of baking soda in 4 oz. of water.
  • Calcium carbonate. Antacids such as Tums can work for gas.
  • Same with capsules, such as peppermint ones.
  • Eating soluble fibre either on an empty stomach or with a meal can lesson symptoms. has a good list of suitable foods.
  • soluble fibre drink from pharmacy
  • Trying not to lie on your right-hand side.
  • Lying on your back and bringing your knees up and into your stomach, holding them with your arms. Known as the wind relieving posture in yoga.
  • Making sure you are drinking at least 2ltrs (just over 4 pints) of water

You will know if the drinks, tablets, capsules or yoga posture are having an effect quite soon after taking them, but be warned, they have the potential to cause social embarrassment.



Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
Thankyou so much I did think it could be passed on but she seemed to think I was being a bit paranoid about catching it :( x

Well, she actually told you that you can't get it from another person, and that's just not true, so she's doing more than thinking you're "paranoid" - she's flat out wrong and giving you false information. You may or may not have h pylori but she should look into it - your symptoms match, and it can cause ulcers. Doctors ... grrrrr!!! :bang-head: