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B Complex injections IM


Senior Member
Australia, Melbourne
Has anyone tried IM injections of B complex vitamins or B 1 (not B 12 - I take that and fine it very helpful for sleep only) please and have they been helpful if so?

many thanks



Senior Member
If you get a b complex injection try to get the derivatives of the b vitamins. p5p as b6 for example.


Senior Member
K. lol
In the body we have enzymes that convert vitamins into derivatives of those vitamins. Some people lack those enzymes in regards to certain vitamin conversions. By supplementing directly with the end result (bypassing the need for the enzyme to reduce the vitamin to the usable form) you can receive more noticeable nutritional benefit (especially if you are deficient in those enzymes). The only way to tell is something like Nutri-Eval test which measures vitamin levels. Elevated levels don't necessarily mean the vitamin is being used. It can mean that you don't have the enzymes to process the vitamin into its usable form. Comprende?


Senior Member
Australia, Melbourne
K. lol
In the body we have enzymes that convert vitamins into derivatives of those vitamins. Some people lack those enzymes in regards to certain vitamin conversions. By supplementing directly with the end result (bypassing the need for the enzyme to reduce the vitamin to the usable form) you can receive more noticeable nutritional benefit (especially if you are deficient in those enzymes). The only way to tell is something like Nutri-Eval test which measures vitamin levels. Elevated levels don't necessarily mean the vitamin is being used. It can mean that you don't have the enzymes to process the vitamin into its usable form. Comprende?

Thanks that sounds good xks I am booking in for a metallic something urine 24 hour collection which measures levels of certain vitamins soon and will look into this further.
( I am lactose intolerant btw but need to get tested for dairy allergies too. I find it hard to give up dairy and take lactase with any dairy which covers that side of things. The low FODMAPs diet is helping me a lot too with the IBS.and gluten I have realised lately big problem too.)

I had the MTHFKR gene test done but was negative.

thanks again for the info - much appreciated.

Vitamin B-Complex Injection is a sterile solution for intramuscular or slow intravenous injection comprised of vitamins which may be categorized as belonging to the Vitamin B Complex group. B complex vitamins are an effective way to increase B vitamin levels rapidly. They can be valuable when we want to achieve a therapeutic effect that requires getting higher amounts of the vitamin into the circulation than what is achievable through oral supplementation.


iherb code TAK122
I'm unsure but I don't think so. My Dr runs a chelation centre and he sells it and the mB12 to me.

I'd be interested if you could tell me the make?dose? I've not seen them available. I too have major problems absorbing B complex oral vits - this way could be my saviour. Did you notice an improvement when you started?

thanks anyway - yes I do have the b12 SC injections, but know I need the whole B complex, have a cupboard full of them, thorne, biocare, pure etc - all good makes but can't tolerate them.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Thanks that sounds good xks I am booking in for a metallic something urine 24 hour collection which measures levels of certain vitamins soon and will look into this further.
( I am lactose intolerant btw but need to get tested for dairy allergies too. I find it hard to give up dairy and take lactase with any dairy which covers that side of things. The low FODMAPs diet is helping me a lot too with the IBS.and gluten I have realised lately big problem too.)

I had the MTHFKR gene test done but was negative.

thanks again for the info - much appreciated.


For many the problems with dairy come from both lactose and casein, so it is good to get that checked too.



Senior Member
Powassan, Ontario
This is not a brand name product. Simply a label and obviously something that is supplied by the same company that is supplying the other chelation stuff. This is not sold for injection often partly because it stings like a bee. These injections are doable but not all that much fun - depends how much you take.
The main thing that I notice is that I am not becoming short of B2 as much. B2 absorption is a daily concern. I have probiotics in the fridge that help. (I also take mfolate under the tongue as I don't do well with it either). There is a problem with probiotics now that my colon is gone. They hurt me a bit, is the best way to put it. I would like to find a regular probiotic that helps with B absorption AND is friendly to my abridged digestive tract.
Any naturopath will be giving B vitamins by IV and that's all this stuff is. Just make sure that it doesn't have niacin - unless of course you need it.


iherb code TAK122
thanks - I suppose its so much easier to get anything by injection in the US (presume thats where you are).
I don't know anyone who can get these SC. Stinging I'm used to - try magnesium - ouch!

I've tried the skin patches but don't think they are particularly good - I know until my urine turns yellow I'm not absorbing enough b2. The hunt goes on.........


Senior Member
Powassan, Ontario
thanks - I suppose its so much easier to get anything by injection in the US (presume thats where you are).
I don't know anyone who can get these SC. Stinging I'm used to - try magnesium - ouch!

I've tried the skin patches but don't think they are particularly good - I know until my urine turns yellow I'm not absorbing enough b2. The hunt goes on.........

I wouldn't give up quite so quick. Just about any naturopath or better yet Integrative Dr will do IV's of some type. They will either carry it or will be able to order it in from their supplier.


iherb code TAK122

don't forget I'm in the Uk!!!! for example we are only allowed by law.... to have 1 x 1ml B12 injection every 2 weeks..... the pharmacies won't fill even private prescriptions for more than this - crazy.


Senior Member
Powassan, Ontario
Any family memebers willing to get scripts for you? :) We didn't always have the access that we enjoy now in Canada either. It certainly presents a challenge when disallowed decent health care. At one point, being denied thyroid medication and in the midst of ME and depression, I ordered in from Turkey and got a rather pointed letter from Canada Customs. Shows how desperate I was. I don't think a package has arrived anywhere in the world from Turkey without being inspected!
I was even planning an international road trip and thinking of places to hide things in my car - tee-hee. I am not the kind of guy who takes "no" for an answer, I guess. I have been willing to break any rules necessary to get what I need. I have lied, misrepresented and exagerated symptoms, gone Dr to Dr, and more. A guy shouldn't have to go to these lengths but I was given no other options. So, is there anywhere in Europe that you can go? Yes, I'm serious...