

Senior Member
East Sussex, U.K.
Does anyone have any experience of Azathioprine? ('Imuran' in non-generic - in U.S., at least).

I have just begun it, substituted for Plaquenil, which was working very very slowly, if at all, by my rheumatologist. It is for my main symptom, profound fatigue (PEM etc), with Sjogren's, and PMR, now under control.
I felt horrible, sick headache, etc., just for a few hours, about 5 hours after each dose.
I'm inclined to return to Plaquenil, which at least had no noticeable side effects!

Apologies if this is already a thread - I couldn't find it.
Thanks for any input!


Senior Member
Does anyone have any experience of Azathioprine? ('Imuran' in non-generic - in U.S., at least).

I have just begun it, substituted for Plaquenil, which was working very very slowly, if at all, by my rheumatologist. It is for my main symptom, profound fatigue (PEM etc), with Sjogren's, and PMR, now under control.
I felt horrible, sick headache, etc., just for a few hours, about 5 hours after each dose.
I'm inclined to return to Plaquenil, which at least had no noticeable side effects!

Apologies if this is already a thread - I couldn't find it.
Thanks for any input!

Hi, @Sidney. What ever happened? Did you come off Imuran? Has it caused any of your symptoms to become permanently worse? I ask because I just got put on it for Crohn's.


Senior Member
East Sussex, U.K.
Hi, @Sidney. What ever happened? Did you come off Imuran? Has it caused any of your symptoms to become permanently worse? I ask because I just got put on it for Crohn's.

I am so sorry, I can't help much, because I just stopped it immediately and went back Plaquenil, which at least had no bad side effects! I am so sorry about your Crohn's, good luck.


Senior Member
Hi, @Sidney. What ever happened? Did you come off Imuran? Has it caused any of your symptoms to become permanently worse? I ask because I just got put on it for Crohn's.

Imuran is a strong immunosuppressant and among other side effects increases cancer risk. My advice is not a doctor's advice, but I would try with immune suppressants/modulators like Wellbutrin and LDN first for something like Crohn's disease, as their side effect profile and safety is excellent compared to drugs like Imuran.