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Autopsy Evidence based Medicine For Chronic Borreliosi

Tired of being sick

Senior Member
Western PA USA
Thread title in English=Chronic Lyme

From Dr.Alan B. MacDonald MD FCAP
June 7th of this year speaking in London England

You might remember Dr. MacDonald from the 2007 "under our skin" documentary..If not you can
visit this thread Borrelia burgdorferi
Watch starting at 43:07 where Dr. MacDonald
stated that Borrelia burgdorferi the Lyme Disease spirochete
was found in MS/ALS/Parkinson's/Alzheimer's


Senior Member
It is HARD to get autopsies done, even when Lyme patients bequeath their bodies to the effort. It's extremely rare these days in the U.S. Dr. MacDonald was a pathologist who also was very active in the early efforts to map the reach of Borrelia. He looked at Alzheimer brains. If I recall correctly, seven of ten autopsied brains showed evidence of Lyme. He also, I believe, looked at embryo cases. He is still active, although I think he retired from pathology.