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Autoimmunity Publications


Sorry if this kind of thread has been started elsewhere - the Mods can merge/delete as appropriate.

The immune system : I don't find this an easy area to get into at all.

I'm assuming there are others out there in a similar predicament. If that's the case, then I draw your attention to this review on Autoimmunity mechanisms :http://www.cell.com/retrieve/pii/S0092867407008380
Just click on "PDF".
For some reason this author has written the paper in a way which has made this the most readable paper I've yet read with respect to Autoimmunity. Just a word of caution - it's from 2007, and four years seems to be a long time in Immunology. I think it's an excellent start though.

If people find this helpful I could occasionally flag up other particularly accessible papers, and I'd appreciate it if others would do this too. Assuming this does not cause any particular Forum issues of course. Autoimmunity does seems a particularly hot topic at the moment.


Senior Member
Thanks for posting KFG - very interesting even to a non-scientist - good to see much work going into unravelling autoimmunity too.


Senior Member
If people find this helpful I could occasionally flag up other particularly accessible papers, and I'd appreciate it if others would do this too. Assuming this does not cause any particular Forum issues of course. Autoimmunity does seems a particularly hot topic at the moment.

I would be very grateful for it. I know next to nothing about autoimmunity and am still unable to read dense technical material. I would greatly appreciate anyone's effort to point out accessible papers.


Senior Member
I would like an autoimmunity section even though I support the XMRV hypothesis.

The medical research sections are a very useful resource.


Senior Member
Sorry if this kind of thread has been started elsewhere - the Mods can merge/delete as appropriate.

The immune system : I don't find this an easy area to get into at all.

I'm assuming there are others out there in a similar predicament. If that's the case, then I draw your attention to this review on Autoimmunity mechanisms : http://www.cell.com/retrieve/pii/S0092867407008380


KFG -- thanks a lot. That combined with reading CORT's article on autoimmunity and ME/cfs is intriguing........ it is so wonderful to get references/information etc. from a forum like this rather than having to try the search it out by yourself. I am with you -- if anybody else has other assessable papers they find noteworthy -- please post them!!

I am wondering if anybody has any information on the details those Dr. Suzanne Vernon's autoimmunity related application to the NIH???
