ATP profile and other Acumen tests

Dear mates,

I will share my ATP profile resutls as well as two other test taken in Acumen Labs - UK (Glutathione profile and Superoxidodismutases study). I have nearly clear how to interpretate the ATP one, but i have some doubts in what the GSH and SOD results really means.

The ATP profile is the following:

That is what is more or less evident in base of McLaren comments and Myhill et al ""Chronic fatigue syndrome and mitochondrial dysfunction" 'paper:

I have very low whole cell ATP (measure on Leucocytes) both with Mg added and with endogenous Mg and a very poor ATP available for energy suply (Ratio ATP/ATPMg)

I have a very poor ADP to ATP re-convesion hability meaning a big impairment of the Oxidative Phosphorylation proccess.

Lastly, i have very low mytochondrial-ATP levels and also a very poor provision of ATP. Excess ADP (TL OUT) is very low that indicates a very important deficit in the efficiency for reconversion ADP to ATP (transfering the ADP out of the cytosol for it) and ADP blocked (TL IN) is also extremely low meaning that i have a very bad efficiency when demanding energy, so i have a very-rapid deplepletion of ATP on that increased energy demand circunstances.

Those that following are the GSH and SOD studies. Any ideas on the interpretation of those results?

Best wishes,
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Senior Member
Is Acumen the only third party lab offering ATP testing? If not, does anyone know of a US based lab doing this kind of testing?

Does anyone have a graph with the normal distribution for ATP for this lab, just to understand where the standard deviations beyond the first standard deviation are on the scale?

Why does Acumen not have a website? Strange that they would not have sample reports and information on where/how to order the test? Is the test only orderable through Dr Myhill?
Is Acumen the only third party lab offering ATP testing? If not, does anyone know of a US based lab doing this kind of testing?

Yes i think Acumen is the only third party lab doing ATP profile. Before opening Acumen, Dr.John McLaren did it in the lab he worked, Biolab, but when he retired he founded his own one, Acumen.

Does anyone have a graph with the normal distribution for ATP for this lab, just to understand where the standard deviations beyond the first standard deviation are on the scale?

I have the papers from Sarah Myhill, John McLaren and Norman Booth. One of them, "Chronic fatigue syndrome and mitochondrial dysfunction" is mostly about the ATP profile:
If you want to read any more, i could look for the two other and post them.

Why does Acumen not have a website? Strange that they would not have sample reports and information on where/how to order the test? Is the test only orderable through Dr Myhill?

I don´t know why don´t they a have website. AFAIK it is NOT actually orderable through Dr.Myhill. I think she doesn´t take on new patiens and does not order any test for non patients any more.
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