Article: Take the ME/CFS Social Security Disability Survey

Cort, When I got to question 22, I could not select more than 1 option, no problems with this until that question. Also, no evident save button or menu for returning to finish later - not sure if that is my browser?
Cort, When I got to question 22, I could not select more than 1 option, no problems with this until that question. Also, no evident save button or menu for returning to finish later - not sure if that is my browser?

Thanks Zoe, its really something of a mystery - some people seem to be able to choose multiple answers for that question (and others cannot)....we checked the question type and its correct...we're checking to see if it's a browser issue and checking with Fluid Surveys

We hope we have resolved the problem with questions 22 and 23.
Please let us know about any other glitches encountered in taking the survey..

#54 would not let me choose my answer and also choose the "why" circle to explain my answer. In the end, I just went with the "why" option and tried to indicate the answer I would have chosen and explain why.
Since I have trouble with memory retrieval, I wish I had saved my survey to give myself time to think about my answers. I immediately submitted my survey and then thought of other comments I would have liked to add.