Dr. Howard Koh is an Assistant Secretary at the Dept. of Health and Human Services (DHHS) ; he attends the federal CFS advisory committee and just started last? year. He is suppose to help carry the recommendations and thoughts given at CFSAC (federal CFS advisory committee) to the Secretary of DHHS, Kathleen Sibelius, who is appointed by the President. Sibelius' position is a Cabinet level appointment like Secretary of State. DHHS is important because NIH, CDC, Medicare, Medicaid, FDA, Surgeon General, public health clinics/ hospitals are all under its umbrella. So it's important that DHHS understands what is going on as these agencies actions affect our lives.
HOWEVER, we've never had a proactive Asst. Sec.; some only attend part of the conference or don't attend it at all. CFSAC has been in existence for almost a decade yet there isn't any evidence I know of that CFSAC ideas have been conveyed to the head Sec. of Health. Pretty weak, huh? Dr. Koh, if you're reading this, I hope you do better -- we need your help.
Gov't agencies are a tangle and people change from time to time but it's important for people to understand the players as much as possible. Putting ones' thoughts on a forum are one thing but writing to specific people in gov't or even knocking on their office doors/ pounding the pavement on Capitol Hill will be another.