Article: Light on ME/CFS Pts I/II/III - the Quickie Version (The Study, the Dorsal Ganglia and the H

I'm curious as to how this gene expression data fits in with the Natelson protenomics study.

Is it possible that a variety of viruses can infect the DRG causing the symptoms. The other herpesviruses are still candidates, along with enteroviruses.
I'm also curious about similarities between DRG lesions/damage in post polio syndrome vs ME/CFS.

Oh and where does the issues with the gut fit in to all of this?
Hi Snow Leopard - where does the gut fit in? We don't know yet.

However, the sensory neurons from the gut go through the dorsal root ganglion, or at least some do. This includes acid sensing channels which are likely to be over-activated in ME and CFS. This research comes from rats, so it is possible we are different, but I doubt it.

If the gut neurons are sending out a signal that says acid, acid, acid, what will the brain do about it? I am not sure yet.

This is all very exciting for someone such as me who has had the illness a very long time and for whom the sensory overload issue is very disabling and getting worse with time. Damage to the dorsal root ganglia makes perfect sense .

What I don't understand is this presumption of a herpes virus involvement. That may well be the case for some people but why is so little being done for those of us with enteroviral ME (which after all is where the term 'ME' actually came in when it was first used to describe the Royal Free outbreak which had enteroviral pathology). Why does the US seem to ignore enterovirus? Those of us in Europe find this perplexing and decidedly irritating, not least as within this context enterovirus is well known to have an affinity for the nervous system and could well be active within the premise the Lights postulate.