Article: Join the Phoenix Rising team

I read this as "Join the Public Relations team!" - I wonder if you should call the thread "Join the Phoenix Rising team!" in case anyone is quite as Pavlov's Dog as I am about the letters "PR". :ashamed:

I am not able to help by joining the team but I hope others will - I'm sure everyone is grateful the hard work that goes on behind the scenes.
Sorry I can't help either.

But you could have offered some incentives like uhmmmmmmmm Chocolate biscuits for morning & afternoon tea :D. Free B12 shots on Monday night :tear:. Free Yoga class on Tuesday night :tongue:, Free poetry readings at the local library on Wednesdays ;), Free Aromatherapy massage on Thursday night :Retro tongue: & last, but not least, Free drinks on Friday after work :victory:.........and a taxi home after the last drink :eek:.

(And yes, Moderators, you can delete this comment 'cause I know it's against PR policy to encourage the consumption of alcoholic liquor when you're taking drugs or a passenger in/on public conveyances).
Also desperately needed: someone to help me organize things. I have been in a very bad crash for some time and I am the only stopgap between you and duplicate threads or threads that are in the wrong place. (have you noticed I am not doing a very good job?) The only requirement is to be slightly OCD about how things are organized. No, I'm just kidding, there are no requirements. You can indeed help out without having to get involved in moderation or without having any sort of computer background. It's very easy to do and I can show you how!
I really enjoy this board, but my OI is too bad at this point. I had an idea though. How about establishing a sign in board for moderators with 1 hour intervals so that those with limited capabilities could help but not feel overwhelmed like they would by taking on a job ? I couldn't see this working for any of the other jobs listed ... And you could always sign up for more than an hour if you're feeling well enough.

Calculating points for each time someone moderated for an hour could go towards a prize ... :D

Oh and I really like Victoria's ideas ... Please make mine dark chocolate ... XX chocoholic