Article: Dr. Klimas Talks On Her New CFS Research Institute at Nova Southeastern University

Thanks Cort - a really encouraging article.

Thanks Enid, It was good to see that Dr. Klimas appears to have real support behind her at NSU. I was particularly encouraged to see they are providing five staff positions for her and that she's already talked to faculty or staff with this disease. Dr. Klimas has always been a big thinker and it looks like she'll have the ability to put some of those big plans into place. :)
Thanks Cort for this good news & for this web site!

Thanks merylg! I wasn't surprised at all to see Dr. Klimas say this

I wish I had 3 grant writers right now. I think there are ways to fund research, education, and clinical care that we have not yet touched.

One of the things I've noticed most about Dr. Klimas is that she see opportunities where others might not. Here she is saying, boy, if I had a couple more grant writers, we could really do this thing up. Hopefully as the new Institute takes steam she'll get those grant writers and get ahold of every opportunity she can think of.
Good for you Dr Klimas. This is exactly the approach we need.

Yes, she's a creative thinker and good for NSU for providing her the opportunity to do that. Maybe at Stanford or Harvard or whomever it would be harder to that? Maybe at NSU it's a bit easier to get things moving. Whatever the reason its great that she's in charge and has real backing for her efforts for the first time.