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Article: Defining Moments: the Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Definitions Over Time Pt I: From Symptoms T

Floydguy, could you please elaborate on how you failed the exercise test but can still exercise and don't experience PENE. thanks.

I can exercise as long as I stay within my boundaries which I know very well at this point but I can't do any high intensity aerobic typed exercise or go over my limit or the PENE will set in.

The VO2 Max test. So far it's unexplainable. It was for an NIH/CDC study.
Well that's a relief :D

It is the 'pinata-head' that drives me 'nuts' that and the 'hangover-from-hell' every morning or whenever I awaken. Even that varies though in intensity but I never have been able to shift it - just try to push on through and when I can't I rest and fret lol.

You describe how I feel most of the time very well. Exertion above and beyond my limit serves only to exacerbate this. Do you find it the same with mental exertion as with physical? I certainly do but I also find that if I 'push' one then I cannot do - or can do to a lesser extent - the other. Weird, huh?

My reference to 'malaise' was the feeling of being 'run-down' as if something was running me down as in I was getting the flu. Again, I feel this most of the time, but exertion above and beyond my limits exacerbates this. What you describe above I would suggest are specific symptoms and as I said they would apply to me as well.

The thing is I guess is how to quantify them and to measure that they are 'worse' after exertion and/or 'better' after 'rest' - a conundrum? Or can this be done at the moment if the 'right' tests were applied I wonder?[/QUO

No it's not weird but I have ME so I understand this very well. :D If I push my mental exertion it will affect my physical stamina, for instance, if I calculate or try to figure out instructions for too long my calves get sore/tired and I lose my balance. I have to lie down and try to completely rest my mind. If I overdo physically my mental comprehension is gone too. One affects the other.

When I'm feeling viral my stamina is worse but I dont' get PENE, more like insomnia, dizziness, malaise etc.

Where I am different than you is that I don't feel like this all the time so I know that when I rest and I mean rest=doing nothing the PENE will go away after 2 days and then I go back to baseline.

I would like to have a test done to measure the blood flow to the brain when I exercise. When I experience PENE I feel like there is less blood flowing to my brain, I feel pressure in my head as though I've been hanging upside down for 20 minutes.
Well that's a relief :D

It is the 'pinata-head' that drives me 'nuts' that and the 'hangover-from-hell' every morning or whenever I awaken. Even that varies though in intensity but I never have been able to shift it - just try to push on through and when I can't I rest and fret lol.

Yeah what else can we do but just rest and wait until it's gone? I was thinking that even if I have lowered blood flow to my brain then what can be done about this anyways?
"Hyde noted in some detail the kinds of SPECT findings ME patients should have; decreased perfusion of blood in the left middle cerebral artery and the branches of the parietal lobes"

Precisely what my SPECT shows. My doc has been using these tests for years to help diagnose ME, right here in the USA.