Apple cider vinegar intolerance?


Senior Member
Whenever i try ACV for digestion about 20min after drinking it (1tbsp in 2cup water) I start to get horrible brainfog, lethargy and overall feel horrible.

Does anyone know what it is? It was organic apple cider vinegar. I have MCS so all sorts of things trigger me. The worst being smoke and non organic veg.



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Whenever i try ACV for digestion about 20min after drinking it (1tbsp in 2cup water) I start to get horrible brainfog, lethargy and overall feel horrible.

Does anyone know what it is? It was organic apple cider vinegar. I have MCS so all sorts of things trigger me. The worst being smoke and non organic veg.

The first thing that springs to mind - especially as you say you have MCS is that in fact you may have MCAD - Mast Cell Activation Disease. Brainfog, lethargy and feeling horrible could be a mast cell reaction. Vinegar is on the avoid list for people with MCAD's.

I think a lot of people presume they have MCS, when they have a MCAD of some kind.


Senior Member
Thanks for your response.

Im not sure of what i have but its bad.

If i eat non organic vegetables i get extreme brainfog like there is a ball of air in the front of my brain. I also get depressed and lethargic with a dry mouth.

Simply by switching to organic i completely eliminated that. I get the same reaction from coconut milk that is in a BPA can.

Breathing or smelling perfume or BBQ smoke gives me nausea and overall brainfog again.

And now vinegar does it.

So im not sure if i have MCS i just assumed it because of how switching to organic foods stopped it.


Hmm, a question for someone in the know re MCAD:

Would this have been picked up in normal bloods (liver enzymes, iron, thyroid function etc)?

Also, 2 questions, could CFS itself be MCAD?


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Hmm, a question for someone in the know re MCAD:

Would this have been picked up in normal bloods (liver enzymes, iron, thyroid function etc)?

Also, 2 questions, could CFS itself be MCAD?
No it cannot be picked up in normal bloods. In fact all lab tests can be normal in MCAD

Lots of people with Mastocytosis and MCAS have presentations VERY similar to CFS/ME, with a few exceptions ie anaphylactic shock, urticarial (which don't have to be present).

I presumed my MCAS was kicked off by a course of Doxycycline for Lyme and co 18 months ago, but in fact a recent addition of a mast cell stabiliser to my meds has reduced my M.E symptoms - fatigue, brain fog etc - quite a lot.

I believe there will be some people misdiagnosed with CFS/ME who actually have a mast cell disease, but you can have both - there is a lot of overlap.

People with EDS III are at increased risk of MCAS, and POTS is also a co morbidity. Bacterial infections, particularly Lyme can aggravate mast cells.


Forum Support Assistant
Vinegar slows down the rise in blood sugar after eating. If your blood sugar is low to start with then vinegar may be extending (or worsening?) any hypoglycemia, leading to the symptoms you experience. I can't take ACV for this reason.