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Anyone used a Salt inhaler?


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
Has anyone ever used a salt inhaler?


What is the Original Himalayan Crystal Salt™ Inhaler?
The Original Himalayan Crystal Salt™ Inhaler is a convenient, drug-free and non-invasive device designed to let you inhale the Original Himalayan Crystal Salt vapors that deliver amazing, natural respiratory relief.

The ceramic inhaler contains hand-mined, dry, pure salt from the Himalayan Mountains. This incredible salt contains 84 ional minerals and trace elements needed for optimum health. The bottom of the inhaler contains the salt, which is placed between two porcelain filters.

The inhaler is made from very sturdy ceramic and cannot leak or spill. The base is wide enough to sit without tipping and the ceramic surface is easy to clean and hold.

Breathe in pure, mineral-rich and salt crystal air and let out a sigh of relief from pollution and respiratory problems!

What are the Benefits of the Original Himalayan Crystal Salt™ Inhaler?
  • Offers upper respiratory support
  • Helps reduce mucus buildup
  • Eases breathing
  • Moisturizes dry mucous membranes
1. How does the Himalayan Crystal Salt™ Inhaler work? Himalayan salt crystals rest in a chamber inside the inhaler. Breathing through the inhaler draws air across mineral-rich granules of Original Himalayan Crystal Salt. The effects can help to resolve breathing problems, including sinus problems, sore throat, or cough.

2. How recent is the practice of using salt for respiratory therapy? The use of salt as a therapy for respiratory ailments, is nothing new. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, recommended salt inhalation. He inhaled steam from boiling saltwater.

3. Does the Himalayan Salt Inhaler have any negative effects? Unlike steroid inhalers and pharmaceutical drugs, there are no negative effects from using a Himalayan Salt Inhaler.



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Texas Hill Country
@minkeygirl - I tried one several years ago. The good news is, it didn't hurt me at all though it sounded rather strange. The bad news, it didn't seem to do much for me. However, it's possible I didn't use it enough. I think I only tried using it a couple of times.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
From what I've been reading @Mary it has a cumulative effect so you have to keep using it. I think all of us have a tendency to give up too early if we don't have immediate gratification.

I'm not sure about this. It's much easier to pop a claritin.