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Anyone here with implanted mesh? (Vaginal, hernia, artery?) CFS link.

I’m a 23 year old male. I’ve been dealing with CFS since 2016. My health hadn’t been great prior to 2016, but 2016 was the year it really seemed to go downhill. I never could figure out why....until I was on Facebook recently and came across a Facebook group titled “MESH”. The group is full of people who have been implanted with medical, polypropylene mesh products. Vaginal slings, hernia repairs, artery clamps...Most people joined the group for pain related reasons. Medical, polypropylene mesh has been involved in a LARGE number of lawsuits. However, there are several people in the group who developed autoimmune-like conditions after mesh insertion (Hashimoto, CFS, lupus, MS, etc...). Few people can afford the removal surgery, but the few who could seemed to notice massive improvements in health post removal. Polypropylene mesh is a toxic, foreign object and can cause a long term stress response in the body similar to breast implant illness.

It hit me after joining the mesh group....I had an inguinal hernia repair with polypropylene mesh in May 2016. I can’t say I noticed an immediate worsening of my health post-surgery, but during the following 6 months, I experienced an unusually rapid decline. I developed multiple food intolerances, horrible joint pain, and began sleeping 12-16 hours a day.

I’ve spent 4 years and $20000 on every diet and treatment imaginable. Most of my doctors have straight up told me that I’m on my own. They’ll prescribe whatever drugs or lab work I request, but they’re out of suggestions at this point.

I’m strongly debating getting the mesh removed. It’s a highly expensive, very risky surgery though. Has anyone else here had a mesh implant? Did you notice it had any effect on your condition post surgery? Do you know anyone who has developed issues after having mesh implanted? I’m terrified of getting this surgery done, but after everything I’ve tried, I fear this may be my only option. I’ve brought it up to several of my doctors, and they don’t seem to think it’s beyond the realm of possibility that this implanted mesh is the root of my problems. Curious to hear anyone else’s thoughts or experiences regarding surgical mesh.


senior member
Concord, NH
I had hernia surgery 3 to 4 years ago, I didn't notice any decline, if anything I have probably gotten better until recently. Having Blood Pressure issues. Not sure what kind of mesh they put in.

Edit: I have been ill coming up on 16 years now.

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Senior Member
I had mesh for inguinal and femoral hernias. I had a sports hernia too which is a different thing . The surgeon was very good .
I have had such a long and horrid story as so many of us do, that I can't pinpoint anything to the mesh . I do regret doing it though because you're correct that these foreign implants , biologics , whatever it is , should not be placed in the body

I wish I stuck to my no dr's unless run over by a semi .

Maybe have a few consultations about removal . It may not be the cause and surgery is more stress and inflammation although the repairs I had was a non event really
I had mesh for inguinal and femoral hernias. I had a sports hernia too which is a different thing . The surgeon was very good .
I have had such a long and horrid story as so many of us do, that I can't pinpoint anything to the mesh . I do regret doing it though because you're correct that these foreign implants , biologics , whatever it is , should not be placed in the body

I wish I stuck to my no dr's unless run over by a semi .

Maybe have a few consultations about removal . It may not be the cause and surgery is more stress and inflammation although the repairs I had was a non event really

This is what is so hard for me to decide....I’m in a similar situation. My health was bad prior to the mesh, but it seems to have steadily declined ever since the mesh despite my efforts to heal. There’s no way for me to know for sure it’s the mesh unless I get it removed. It’s a hard decision.


Senior Member
I had sports injuries that I needed to address with an orthopedic who insisted the sports hernia be repaired first so I had to or I couldn't get back to sports and I had major tunnel vision . Athletics above all .

The surgeon said it would be 2 surgeries as they're unrelated , one for the athletic pubalgia and the other for the femoral and inguinal .

So I had no health problems at all other than these injuries , I was fully normal otherwise . But I don't think the mesh is the cause of my massive health issues today .

If you alrwsdy hsd heakth issued that are similar to today and you progressed , it's probably not the mesh

I would consider not removing the mesh as you are not in the right condition to have surgery , as minor as these are . I do agree these foreign bodies are not a good idea and most likely cause problems , but it might not be the source for you especially with your history so it might make things worse if you fiddle with the one mesh .

Consider leaving it alone . Or really think about it


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I can’t say I noticed an immediate worsening of my health post-surgery, but during the following 6 months, I experienced an unusually rapid decline

If you already had ME/CFS, surgery (even without mesh) can make it worst. It is is not the mesh you could make yourself having another surgery. So you really got a tough choice there.

I saw a very youtube documentary on that mesh a month or two ago and about how lots have had severe issues due to it.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
I remember reading someone online (not an ME/CFS patient) who suspected some health issues are caused from the actual state of being anesthesized.

I know that the ME/CFS society in my state also warns something about that but I cannot remember what.

Still it makes me wonder if it could have been the anesthesia that caused a problem with your energy metabolism in some way and not the surgery itself.

Edit: Also keep in mind that you could go through all this to have it removed and it not make a difference at all with the ME/CFS.

That's what happened when I had my mercury fillings removed. Plus, the dentist messed up my alignment and I had to go through another year of expensive TMJ/TMD treatment that didn't correct anything either.

I'm not trying to discourage you. Just wanted to add that as a consideration in your deciding.
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