Anyone here who followed dr Cheney's clonazepam treatment and tapered off with Tranxene ?

Per the title: anyone here who followed dr Cheney's clonazepam treatment and tapered off with Tranxene ?
That is supposed to be his way to get off clonazepam. I am on clonazepam 2 mg single dose a day (not diagnosed with ME/CFS, but that is a long story).

I have been unable to taper it directly, and no, the solution is NOT to go slower.
Clonazepam is a nasty toxic compund, and I'm physically dependent on it, along with tolerance.

Per dr Cheney's protocol: tapering off with Tranxene and 'doxepin elixir'.
That was all I could find. So again, anyone here who has done this himself/herself or who knows of someone who has ?
I don't even know what the protocol says about how often to dose it a day or if it even works.