, I have taken it for 10 years.
Yes, 10 - that's since all this crapola started. Oh, I've tried others along the way, but always came back to Ambien. For me, it is the one that works the best. Do I always get a great nights sleep?
NO. Do I wake up feeling refreshed?
NO. Have I had any bizzare side-effects?
NO. It's simply the best I've been able to do, and I gave up trying new things about 3 years ago. I do like it because, for me there is no hang-over effect at all.
What I really liked about it initially, was the quick onset. It certainly doesn't knock me out or anything, it just allows me to go sleep. For me, if I take it and then decide I'm going to stay up, then I do - so it doesn't really make me all drugged feeling like I HAVE to sleep. (that may be just me though).
I've gone through long periods with it where I only sleep about 3 hours though. Those were times when I tried something else, which never worked, including Ambien CR and Lunesta, which are also short onset, and supposed to keep you asleep. (I also tried many others, actually
During those rough periods of time, I ended up taking it twice. My general rule was not to take the second dose after 3 AM. This was still when I used to get up at 5AM for work. There would be many a time that I wouldn't even go back to sleep after that second dose.
Most of the time I can get about 5 - 6 hours of sleep now (that's not straight of course, but when I wake up, I usually fall asleep again fairly quickly IF I go immediately into my breathing exercises to keep my mind quiet).
It usually works. Not always of course. Occasionally, I'l still take that second dose, but very rarely.
I have talked with people who experienced the bizarre amnesic side-effects, so that IS a definite possibility.
I'm trying magnesium now with it at bedtime. I thought maybe eventually I'd try taking less ambien - like first cutting it in half (I'm taking 10mg). Maybe eventually get off it altogether. I think that would be nice, but it's not something I trouble myself worrying about.
For me, I like that I can be awake in a flash if I need to be. So anyway that's just my experience. As with most drugs there will be horror stories, and I've certainly had my share. This one has been pretty harmless, but of course that's no guarantee. Good luck, if you decide to give it a try.