Anyone from East Europe? Romania?


Senior Member
Hi,i was wondering if anyone here from East Europe,particulary Romania..i couldn't find any doctor in Romania that is familiar with this disease..i don't care much about the diagnostic,i just want a doctor that can give some good treatment not antidepressants, i am not very severe, maybe with some good treatment and a doctor that knows about this illness i can improve and be able to lead a fairly decent life..i feel i just don't help my body heal with anything, everything i try is on my own,but i'm not a just doesn't feel right..maybe i mix some supllements that should 't be mixed..I need to do something and i don t know what..resting is not helping ,make some things worse and some better..lying in bed all day is no way towards healing for me...


Senior Member
Germany Mures&i=Targu Mures#doctor:
Name: Lia Georgescu, MD
Specialty: Rheumatologist, Internal Medicine
Address: Rheumatology Clinic
University Hospital
Saint Marinescu Gheorghe, Nr 51
City, State Zip: Targu Mures, Targu Mures 540136
Country: Romania
Phone: 40-265-210988
Date Added: 2008-05-23
Dr. Magdalena Budisteanu, "Prof. Dr. Alex. Obregia" Clinical Hospital of Psychiatry, Romania;
Dr. Carmen Adella Sirbu, Central Military Emergency Hospital, Romania;


Senior Member
No but Drs don't have much to offer unless really expert.
Getting treatable symptoms under control sleep, pain and so on an average dr can help, then if you're not so severe key is pacing and avoiding exertion and stress. This can bring stability/improvement in time in the newly ill especially
If you want documents to validate your illness with inexperienced GPs and to learn about it yourself, the IACFME primer is good and IOM ME/CFS guidance for Drs. Both in English I'm afraid.
Much else is diy /experimental - testing etc.