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Any Idea why Thiamin Can Worsen Muscle Stiffness?


Senior Member
Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on how Thiamine can worsen muscle stiffness? I've trialed thiamine a few times in the past few weeks and each time it worsens my muscle stiffness. I'm trying to figure out if it could worsening another deficiency.

Any ideas?


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on how Thiamine can worsen muscle stiffness? I've trialed thiamine a few times in the past few weeks and each time it worsens my muscle stiffness. I'm trying to figure out if it could worsening another deficiency.

Any ideas?

B1 caused my phosphorous levels to drop. The solution wasn't to stop the B1 but to increase my phosphorous. I did this by drinking kefir and eating sunflower seeds, and also took a very low dose of monosodium phosphate.

But I don't know if low phosphorous causes muscle stiffness - for me it caused severe fatigue. Here's an interesting article about refeeding syndrome, which usually pertains to people being fed after prolonged fasting or starvation, anorexia etc., but I think it's somewhat applicable to people with ME/CFS too - e.g., the low potassium that so often occurs when we add in B12 or folate, etc. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2440847/


Senior Member
Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on how Thiamine can worsen muscle stiffness? I've trialed thiamine a few times in the past few weeks and each time it worsens my muscle stiffness. I'm trying to figure out if it could worsening another deficiency.

Any ideas?
Correcting B1 deficiency requires Magnesium, meaning levels will drop. Take them together and study Dr Lonsdale's work on it. Google search his name with thiamine.


Senior Member
Yes, I experienced this as well. Which form of B1 did you take ? And what dose?
I noticed that thiamine injections was the best for me, it took some trials and errors to find the suitable dose for me.


Senior Member
The thiamine I tried was Bentofiamine, in the past I've tried Coenzymated Sublingual thiamine with the same reaction.

I have very funky reactions to electrolyte supplements these days, but I still gave a few of them a go with the below results:

Magnesium - Low Dose Mag Oxide (80mg elemental) Relaxed some muscles and gave some mental relaxation, but it made other muscles more stiff, and also resulted in some difficulty breathing and that feeling where somethings in your throat. I tried the same thing with Mag Malate and same result.

Calcium - 100mg (Coral Calcium) - Resulted in worsened stiffness.

Potassium - 300mg from V8 - It helped a bit with the calf cramps, but ends up resulting in lower back cramps. My stomach can't tolerate supplemental potassium, I've had very bad reactions to it, especially citrate and gluconate. Even V8 is difficult to handle.

Monosodium Phosphate - Tried it yesterday and ended up resulting in a lot of calf muscle twitching and slightly worsened tightness. I also tried eating a ton of sunflower seeds today without any noticeable positive or negative effect.

Sodium - No benefit or negative reaction.

Note: All doses I use are low due to potential reactions. I used to take high doses of magnesium along with other electrolytes without issue, but after a bad crash in 2016 from Methylation experiments going wrong I haven't been able to tolerate certain supplements that I used to tolerate without issue.

I'm baffled what it could be. It's not just thiamine that causes worsened stiffness, I get the same thing when I try to take Vitamin D, which I'm not deficient in, but can't tolerate supplementing it anymore. (Pre-CFS I took it for years without issue.)

I feel like there's something really simple I'm missing, but I'm out of ideas.


Senior Member

Magnesium glycinate helps my muscles relax but I think you've also tried that already.

Maybe it's a paradoxical reaction. From Vitamin Therapy Paradox: Getting Worse before Getting Better:
Physicians who practice Alternative Medicine have found that it is possible sometimes to retrieve function at this late stage of development by the use of a course of vitamins given intravenously. They have also learned that the symptoms of the patient actually get worse (paradox) in the initial stages of intravenous treatment but begin to get better following an unpredictable period of worsening. Naturally, the patient concludes that the treatment is bad or that it is causing side effects as in the use of pharmaceuticals. That is why I have christened it paradox, meaning that the unexpected happens.

Over the years of administering intravenous vitamin therapy for all kinds of conditions, irrespective of conventional diagnosis, I quickly learned to inform a patient about paradox before instituting treatment. Surprisingly, this paradoxical response usually heralds a good outcome...
I suspect from your previous thread that your methylation treatment induced a B1 deficiency.


Senior Member
maybe you could give a try to mineral water rich in potassium?

I got some relief from it.

and for magnesium, there is several forms, so maybe one would suit you best. (glycinate, citrate, orotate...)

I also had relief from muscles stiffness with Ubiquinol. Just pay attention to headaches, it can be a side effect.